How to Prevent Acne on Cheeks? 13 Useful Tips

How to Prevent Acne on Cheeks?


| Acne On Cheeks | Causes | Prevention Tips |


Are you concerning about how to prevent acne on cheeks? Everyone wants to know how to prevent acne on cheeks. Cheeks acne is the same as other body acne like forehead acne, nose acne, and chin acne. Acne on the face especially on cheeks make a dirty impression of personality. Acne on cheeks kills your face beauty. As you know “Prevention is better the cure” If you want to get rid of acne, you must know how to prevent acne on cheeks.


Cheeks Acne

The skin of the cheeks is very delegate and in a thick layer. When the sebaceous gland produces extra skin oil (sebum), skin pores on cheeks become clogged and create acne on cheeks. Acne and pimples appear in different parts of the body including the cheeks. The skin problem on the face is a troublesome condition because it can affect your self-esteem. Most people with acne are suffering from rejection, especially in the dating scene.

Causes of Acne On Cheeks

If you want to know how to prevent acne on cheeks, you must have knowledge of cheeks acne causes.
like other body acne, there are many reasons of cheeks acne. Most cheeks acne reasons are the same as other acne.

Touching Cheeks Skin

It is the most common habit that we touch our cheeks. When we are thinking, or when we are upset. Touching cheeks skin is the most common cause of acne on cheeks . When we touch cheeks skin, germ and bacteria on hands, transferred to cheeks skin, and produce acne.

Mobile Phones

When we talk on the phone, the phone surface automatically touches with cheeks. Bacteria and germs on phone transfer from phone surface to cheeks skin. Touching phone on cheeks skin is also one of the most common acne on cheeks cause.

Oily Skin

Extra production of skin oil is the most common cause of all types of acne. Sebum makes skin pores clogged. When dirt enters in open skin pores and mix with sebum, create acne on cheeks. Same like other body acne, oily skin is also the main cause of acne on cheeks .


When we sleep at night or lay down on bed , our cheeks skin touch with pillow. germs and bacteria on pillow and bedding transfer to cheeks skin and create acne. Dirty pillow and bedding is one of the major acne on cheeks reason.


Changes in hormones is also the acne on cheeks reason. It is internal acne on cheeks reason. Glands in skin produce extra skin oil, which create acne on cheeks.


How To Prevent Acne On Cheeks?

These are the tips to follow if you want to know how to prevent acne on cheeks.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

This is an obvious one. Water is terrific for the body and while it won’t cure acne, it will help you keep your skin and body flushed from toxins. Eight glasses are preferred per day.

2. Maintain Stress Levels

We all go through stress, but when it gets to an unhealthy level, your body under goes changes which can trigger pimple outbreaks. Try to take a moment and calm yourself down.

3. Don’t Squeeze or Pick at Pimples

It’s hard to do, but squeezing or picking at those pesky pimples can do more harm than good. You can damage the healthy skin tissue around the pimple and make it worst.

4. Diet

While studies have never shown that eating chocolate and greasy foods triggers acne, keeping a balance diet is good to for your body and skin. Eating green leafy vegetables and fruits can help give you the nutrients to getting clearer skin.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is the king of healing. Your body needs time each day to heal. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can put stress on your body and can cause acne outbreaks.

6. Using facial cleanser Regularly

First and most important is cleansing your face. Acne on cheeks appears because your pores are clogged with oil and dirt. So cleaning is required, but simple cleaning wouldn’t do the trick. Ordinary Soaps doesn’t help to clear extra oil from your cheeks. Too much use of soaps can only increase the oil production.

7. Use facial Scrubs

Using soft facial scrub on a regular basis is also important to prevent cheeks acne. Exfoliation helps to get rid of dead sells from the surface of your face. Your skin will look brighter after using a scrub and dead sells will not be there to clog your pores.

8. Moisturize Your Skin

Remember All acne prevention cleansers products dry out your skin and leave it sensitive to harmful UV rays. So after using a cleanser you need to use a good sun block lotion or cream. It will moisturize your skin as well as protect it from the sun rays.

9. Cleanliness of Acne Prone Areas

One of the initial steps towards preventing acne from occurring would be to ensure thorough cleanliness of those areas which are acne-affected, typically the facial skin. Using natural cleansers does help in a big way towards preventing acne from occurring.

Avoiding dirt is also very important, especially when you have oily skin. Under such circumstances, it would be pivotal that you cleanse your facial skin regularly so that dirt does not accumulate and combine with your sebaceous glands to ultimately lead to acne production.

10. Avoiding Oily Foods

In case you are already acne-affected, it would be very important that you avoid eating oily food, which tends to trigger an acne problem. You should focus on a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables so that your system gets extra than its share of fiber as well as nutrients, that help fend off acne producing bacteria.

With a balanced healthy diet, it is also very important that you drink plenty of water at regular basis. Remember that lack of water replenishment in your body system does play a major role as far as acne occurrence is concerned.

11. Regular Exercise

The importance of regular workout in preventing acne really cannot be over emphasized. Remember that in the absence of adequate workout, blood circulation to various parts of the body gets adversely affected, ultimately producing acne, among a host of other negative bodily consequences.

This can easily be treated by ensuring regular workout, which in turn can not only prevent acne production but also ultimately lead to good health and well being overall.

12. Proper Rest and Relaxation

Just as it is important to exercise regularly, maintain a proper diet as well as to ensure regular and thorough cleansing of acne prone areas, it is also important to have adequate rest and relaxation. Remember that stress plays a major part in triggering acne.

13. Minimize Rubbing on Your Face

If you play sports or are involved in anything that requires you to wear equipment that rubs against your face, you should try to minimize the amount of rubbing and friction on the acne-affected areas since this can aggravate the problem.