Whiteheads On Nose – Causes, Prevention,10 Home Remedies

Whiteheads on Nose

| Overview | Causes | Prevention | 10 Home Remedies |




Whiteheads on nose are a form of acne that doesn’t become inflamed or infected. They look like tiny, white, raised spots. Whiteheads on nose is a common problem that appears in puberty but it may extend in the thirties, too. Whiteheads on nose usually make the skin unpleasant and ugly. Whiteheads are also known as comedones. Whiteheads just out from the skin surface as tiny white bumps. Whiteheads must be treated properly because they damage the skin texture.


Causes of Whiteheads on Nose


Whiteheads are a form of acne caused by the collection or accumulation of keratin and sebum or oil secreted by sebaceous glands in the skin. These deposits plug up the skin pores close to hair follicles resulting in whiteheads on nose. When they get oxidized due to pollution, they become black and are called blackheads.

If air is unable to reach the hair follicle, no oxidation takes place, and they continue to remain white bumps. Whiteheads can spoil the texture of the skin and making it lose its luster.


Prevention From Whiteheads on Nose


1- Keep your face skin clean and moisturized.

2- Wash your face twice a day.

3- Use moisturizer after washing face.

4- Steam your face for a few minutes to cleanse your skin. You can do skin pores steaming once a week.

5- Keep your face pores clean with facial. Use an oil-free mild facial cleanser. You can also use a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid. It can help to block the face skin pores.

6- Remove dead skin cells with mild exfoliator once a week.

7- Don’t touch your nose, you can transfer bacteria and oil from your hands.

8- Don’t ever try to squeeze or pop whiteheads, it’s better for you to consult a dermatologist first.

9- Drink enough water to get rid toxic out off your body.


Home Remedies For Whiteheads on Nose Removal



1- Toothpaste For Whiteheads on Nose

You can use your common toothpaste in the house to get rid of your whiteheads on nose. All you have to do is to place a small amount of toothpaste on whiteheads on nose and leave it on your nose till morning the next day. You can then wash it off the next day with clean water. Repeat this as often as you can until your skin clears away.


2- Glycerin For Whiteheads on Nose


You can get lime juice, almond oil, and glycerin. Make a paste of these ingredients, each of equal quantity together. And then rub it on your face or nose. This will not just cure or get rid of your whiteheads but it will also, stop the discoloring spots on the face too.


3- Tomato For Whiteheads on Nose


Another natural way to get rid of whiteheads is to use tomato. Cut the tomato into many shapes and sizes so that it can blend with the curves of your nose or face. Before you apply the tomato to your face you should first wash your face very well with warm water and then pat it dry. Then you place the tomato on your whiteheads for 12-15 minutes. After this rinse it off with warm water.


4- Fenugreek Leaves For Whiteheads on Nose


Apply the paste of fenugreek leaves and leave it overnight. Wash skin with warm water the next morning. This Remedy keeps away you from whiteheads on nose.


5- Corn Starch and Vinegar


A mixture of corn starch and vinegar may be left on the skin for 30 minutes and then rubbed off with a warm wash cloth. This remedy cleanses the skin of whiteheads.


6- Raw Milk Scrub


A scrub of raw milk 50 ml, 2 tablespoon lime juice, and a pinch of salt can help to drag out whitehead deposits from pores.


7- Pomegranate and Lime Juice


You can get freedom from whiteheads on nose by applying a mixture of roasted, powdered pomegranate, and lime juice.


8- Groundnut Oil and Lime Juice


A mixture of one tablespoon groundnut oil and one tablespoon lime juice can be applied to get rid of whiteheads on nose.


9- Sandalwood and Rose Water


A fine paste of sandalwood and rosewater may be applied as a mask, kept for 30 minutes, and then washed off with lukewarm water. This allows easy extraction of whiteheads.


10- Honey with Egg White


Mix 1 teaspoon honey with a beaten egg white and apply the mixture on whiteheads with a cotton swab. Wash it off with warm water after 30 minutes. This treatment eliminates whiteheads.