Chin Acne – Causes, Prevention and 07 Remedies to Treat

Chin Acne

| Overview | Causes | Prevention | 07 Best Home Remedies |




Chin acne is an affliction that creates its own set of issues for those suffering pimples on this part of the body. Chin acne is normal acne except that it is located on the chin. Acne on the chin is one of the most irritating types of acne that can happen to you.

Just like acne on other parts of your body, it can cause great embarrassment and can affect your outward appearance in a very negative way. As such, even looking into a mirror when your chin is full of acne could be a very saddening experience.
This Acne is obviously like other acne that affects other parts of the body. If you have chin acne, the most important thing to do is to find out the root cause of it.


Chin Acne Causes


1- Hormonal Changes


Chin Acne’s most common cause is hormonal change, which occurs throughout your life. Puberty commences the changes as sexual hormones, called androgen, are produced, and these change during adolescence and into adulthood.


2- Skin Care Products


With hormonal changes, there are some other issues that you need to know about also, concerning how best to treat the condition given that acne on the chin can be more stubborn and of course are highly visible. There are therefore concealers and other skincare products that are frequently used to cover up the pimples on the chin.


3- Chemicals Products


This is where the problem is for many people suffering from acne. They are using products, often heavily laden with various chemical compounds, which simply do not agree with them.

4- Clogged Pores


This Acne is caused by pores that are clogged by a mixture of excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. A more severe form of acne develops when bacteria live in the pores and multiply inside.


5- Oily Skin


The chin area is especially prone to acne because it produces more skin oil(sebum) compared to other parts of the face. Neglecting to wash this face area which results in the accumulation of oil and dirt, also leads to pimple breakouts.


6- Touching


The chin is also one of the face parts that are in constant contact with our hands. We cup chin with our hands when we’re bored, drum our fingers on it when we’re thinking, even lay it on the table or pillow when we’re sleepy or tired. These make it easier for bacteria and dirt to find their way to the chin.


7- Popping


Pricking or popping pimples on the chin will also make new ones reappear in the same area.


8- Makeup


Makeup can be one of the reasons why you have acne on your chin, if you spotted one breakout and decided to cover it up with a little bit of makeup, only to realize the problem got worse. The makeup you apply could actually be blocking the pores on your chin, causing breakouts and bumps to form.

Chin Acne Prevention


1- Drink Plenty of Water

This will help your body flush out the toxins.
Eat a healthy balanced diet. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet and follow the same routine for your diet.

2- Exercise Regularly

This will help not only in improving the overall body circulation but will also help to reduce any stress.

3- Wash Your Face

Wash your face two times a day using an antibacterial cleanser. Washing your face more than two times a day will only dry the skin and will not be much helpful for being acne clear.

4- Exfoliation

Exfoliate your skin regularly. Exfoliation will help in removing any dead cells which can cause chin acne.

5- Avoid Touching

Avoid touching the pimple as this can cause scars. Moreover touching it consistently will just spread the bacteria to other parts of your face, thereby worsening it.

6- Consult a dermatologist if the condition worsens.

07 Best Home Remedies For Chin Acne


finding the correct solution to your chin acne problem can be tiresome. This is because every one of us has different skin and this makes it all the more difficult to obtain a suitable treatment for your exact problem.

A lot of people still don’t realize that there are several chin acne cures and techniques that you can find around your home and put into action today. Below we have listed a few options that we think will help you rid alleviate your acne problem.




Just get a normal cucumber and blitz it in your blender until it becomes like a paste. Pour out the cucumber paste into a bowl and then apply the mixture to the chin acne. Leave it there for approx 30mins, once the time is up rinse off the mixture and let its natural chin acne prevention properties get to work


Aloe Vera


The all-curing Aloe Vera plant is also a great item to have in your armory when it comes to battling chin acne. Just take the juice from the plant and apply it to the affected area.


Egg White


Some people swear by this, the method involves applying the egg white to the chin acne for about 20 minutes. It seems a little wild but we suggest trying it for a day or two and see if you get the results others have


Fruit& Vegetables


A no-brainer really, all the goodness and nutrients in vegetables and fruit help your skin stay lively and clear of chin acne. Try mixing up an apple, cucumber, and some yogurt in a blender, and then apply this straight onto the acne. Leave it there for about 15 minutes and rinse the area with lukewarm water.



Get yourself a garlic bulb, peel it and rub the garlic onto the chin acne. It may not be the most pleasant of smells or cures but is known widely to be a great alleviator of acne problems and pimples


Rose Water and Lime Juice


Equal amounts of rose water and lime juice could be applied to acne on the chin and should be rinsed off with lukewarm water after thirty minutes.


Cinnamon Powder and Lime Juice


A combination of cinnamon powder and lime juice can be applied on chin acne and then rinsed after being left on for an hour.


Honey and Cinnamon Powder


A teaspoon of cinnamon powder mixed with three tablespoons of honey can be used as a facial mask. This mask can be left on the acne-infected area overnight and washed off with lukewarm water the next morning. It claims to get rid of chin acne forever if used continually for two weeks.