Acne On Forehead – Causes And 10 Best Home Remedies To Treat

Acne On Forehead

| Overview | Causes | Prevention | 10 Home Remedies |




Acne on forehead occurs frequently. The forehead is a part of the T-zone area that also includes the nose which accumulates excess oil more readily than other parts of the face. The excess oil causes clogged pores blocked by bacteria, which leads to pimples and breakouts. Acne on forehead can be a thing of the past by adopting better habits and following easy acne on forehead regimen to keep the skin full of oxygen so bacteria can’t live.

Causes Of Acne On Forehead


forehead acne is caused by clogged pores filled with excess oil and dead skin cells. This acne gets worse and more inflamed when a particular type of bacteria, Propionibacterium acne, becomes trapped inside the pores. As these bacteria multiply they make the acne redder more inflamed. This gives way to more severe forms of acne that are harder to treat and cure.

Some other factors which create acne on forehead are hair oil, abrasive skin cleansers, lotions, and wearing tight head-wear that keeps oil against the skin. These things can make acne on forehead even worse by keeping pores clogged and allowing bacteria to grow more. Pimples can occur in almost any area of the body. On the back and face, however, acne on forehead is the most common.

Forehead acne is often due to suffering issues together with your gastrointestinal system such as having an inability to digest certain foods properly, problems together with your intestine, or an unhealthy liver. It also can flow from an irregular rest cycle, worry, and anxiety, excessive amount of sugar consumption, wearing dirty hats, hair products, and hair bangs.


Prevention From Acne On Forehead


The recommended number of times to wash your face is just twice a day. That’s when you take your shower in the morning and before you sleep at night. This is already enough to clean your forehead from dead skin cells and bacteria. Use your regular cleanser, toner, and moisturizer in doing so. When it comes to towels, it would be wise to refrain from sharing it with another person. Likewise, don’t scrub as facial skin is more sensitive. Just pat dry.


1- Limit hand contact with your forehead

Limit your hand contact with your forehead as you risk spreading the bacteria and oil to more areas of your forehead which will worsen your acne condition.


2-  Tie up your hair

Our scalp produces oil and some of the oil will settle on your hair. If you have long hair and they are regularly brushing against your face, your risk of getting acne is much higher because the oil from your hair is transferred to your forehead which may clog up your pores.


3- Don’t over-clean your face


Moreover, don’t over-clean your face so as to maintain your natural sebum’s minimum level. This is important because it serves as your skin’s source of lubrication and is responsible for giving our tissues flexibility. When acne happens, it means the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands is more than what’s needed.

4- What hair products are you using?


If you notice that you’re having a lot of breakouts, check the label of products you’re using on your hair. Maybe they’re too strong. Remember that oily products, heavy chemicals, or excessive fragrances can drip from your hair and block the pores of your forehead. This leads to breakouts and skin irritation. If your hair is naturally oily, try washing it more frequently as this can add up to the amount of oil on your forehead. Make sure to keep hair out of your face as well.


5- Use moisturizers


Moisturizers aid in loosening pores, thereby allowing it to drain sebum, bacteria, and other dead skin cells from the interior; hence pimples and lesions disappear. They likewise help in giving skin flexibility and relief from acne on your forehead, cheeks, and chin. Don’t use alcohol-based moisturizers though because they can be harsh on the skin. Go for water-based ones instead.


6- Limit your use of cosmetics


For acne-prone people, the golden rule to live by is if there’s no need to wear makeup, then don’t. Avoid using toning masks, blushes, and powder as the latter and oily products can only add to blockage of pores. Better alternatives to use are oil-free and water-based products. Moreover, never go to bed without taking your makeup off.

Moisturizers aid in loosening pores, thereby allowing it to drain sebum, bacteria, and other dead skin cells from the interior; hence pimples and lesions disappear. They likewise help in giving skin flexibility and relief from acne on your forehead, cheeks, and chin. Don’t use alcohol-based moisturizers though because they can be harsh on the skin. Go for water-based ones instead.

7- Get a facial


Most people think that having a facial is expensive but this is not exactly true. You can give yourself a good facial by using natural ingredients you can easily do at home. Of course, if you have the budget and want to splurge a little, you can always get it from a spa clinic.

Facials leave your skin clean and hydrated but are watchful of the kind of facial you are having. If you have oriental skin, facials made from sulfur are okay but it’s not ideal for standard skin as it can only worsen the irritation or acne damage.

8- Peel it


If you want skin that’s new and fresh looking, we suggest peeling. Whether mechanical or chemical, this removes dead skin cells from your face to promote collagen formation; thereby unveiling a new layer of skin. Peeling can also soften scars from acne, helping them to heal. Regular peeling is typically every six months and doing so helps to prevent acne.

If you’re worried about pain, don’t fret as this doesn’t hurt. Mechanical peeling is done using thick salt minerals that are scrubbed gently on your face while chemical peeling is done using natural acids.

9- Wash your bed sheets and pillow cases


Do you know that your forehead acne may be caused by your dirty pillowcase and bedsheets? This immerses your forehead in sebum that comes from your face, hair, dirt, and grime while you sleep. Make sure that you wash your bedsheets and pillowcases two times a week.

10 Best Home Remedies To Treat Acne On Forehead

To get rid of acne on forehead is very simple all you need have to do is to figure out the main cause behind the formation and then look for the solution.

1. Honey

Honey is very effective in treating acne on forehead because of its antibacterial properties. You just have to produce warm honey and apply it in acne-prone areas for 10 – 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

2. Baking Soda & Water


Mix baking soda and water in a deep bowl. Apply the mixture to your skin for a few minutes. Use warm water in rinsing.

3. Honey and Cinnamon

A mixture of honey and cinnamon can also be a great homemade acne cream too. Just simply mix one part of honey to half part of cinnamon and apply it on the face before going to sleep. This will help exfoliate the skin and allow it to absorb all the vitamins and minerals on the substance thus, creating healthier skin.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is great acne on forehead treatment that is proven very effective. It is completely natural. It is used to hinder bacteria growth on the skin. All you have to do is to apply it directly to the skin on a regular basis.


5. Yogurt

Not many people are aware but yogurt can be a cheap but very effective homemade acne cream. The live good bacteria that is cultured in the yogurt works really well in fighting the bad bacteria that cause the blemishes on the skin. The chilled yogurt can be eaten and at the same time applied topically to provide safe and soothing relief from the inflamed pimples.

6. Lemon Juice

Use this citrus fruit in the affected areas twice or thrice a day. They can help reduce acne and can minimize the size of the pores as well.

7. Fenugreek Seeds

It is generally known as good herbal medicine for clearing pimples fast. It can be made by boiling a glass of water with one corn hair and two fenugreek seed. Then allow it to cool before using to wash your face. It is a good cleansing agent.

8. Apricot Juice

If you are suffering from a severe acne breakout then you can apply the juice of apricots directly to the affected areas of your face or skin. Water
is very useful for removing the excess amounts of toxins in the blood. When you drink excess water it helps your skin complexion, so all you need do is to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.

9. Ice

Use Of ice can soothe the pain of swelled, inflamed acne on forehead, especially the cysts. But don’t just take an ice cube out of your freezer and place it on acne on forehead. Use an ice pack with an ice pack cover or towel wrapped around it. If you don’t have one of these, simply wrap a few cubes in a paper towel or washcloth and hold it against your zit for 15 minutes or so. A good time to do this is while you’re watching a movie.

10. Water


Water is very useful for removing the excess amounts of toxins in the blood. When you drink excess water it helps your skin complexion, so all you need do is to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.