What Causes Whiteheads on the Nose? 15 Remedies To Treat

What Causes Whiteheads on the Nose

| Whiteheads | Causes | Prevention | Ho to Deal |
| 15 Home Remedies |


Do you want to know what causes whiteheads on the nose? Whiteheads are primarily caused by the accumulation of oil and dead skin cells beneath the skin. The occurrence of whiteheads is usually more prominent with fine-textured, dry, dehydrated skin more than any other skin type. If you want to get rid, you have come to know what causes whiteheads on the nose?

Whiteheads on Nose


Whiteheads are white colored bumps appearing on the forehead, face, and the nose. These bumps can also occur in the neck, shoulders, and chest area. These are actually mass of hardened sebum, unclogging the pores. These whiteheads are different from blackheads. Blackheads are discolored version of whiteheads due to oxidization from the air. They tend to be yellow or white, and they are mostly caused by compilation of oil produced by the body which in time begins to harden. The appearance of whiteheads tends to make the skin appear more uneven. Popping them or trying to break them will be useless. If you want to get rid of, you must know what causes whiteheads on the nose?


What Causes Whiteheads on the Nose?


The answer of what causes whiteheads on the nose is, there are many reasons for this problem.
Oily skin, open skin pores and dirt are the factors which are what causes whiteheads on the nose. Whiteheads are developed when dead skin builds up while mixing with dirt or grime to form a small bump that is under your skin. It’s called a whitehead because you can see a tiny lump of head, the size of a needle tip or smaller.

Our skin have pores on it everywhere. Every pore of your body creates skin oil, called sebum. Whiteheads are pus-filled acne, which is formed when excess sebum (the natural oil produced by the face which acts as a moisturizer) clogs up the hair follicles or the skin’s pores. The oil mixes with patches of dead skin cells and other debris (often airborne) and stays just below the surface of the skin, when this happens, whiteheads are formed.

As long as white heads are closed off from oxygen, they will remain white. Immediately they come in contact with air, they become oxidized and turn to blackheads – another form of acne.


Dealing with Whiteheads on the Nose


In dealing with whiteheads, patience is always a virtue. Follow these steps consistently if you suffer from frequent whiteheads:

  1. For the time being, stay away from soda, fried foods, spices, chocolates, and pastries. Keep a healthy diet to detoxify yourself.
  2. Once the skin starts to clear up, maintain your skin using a gentle cleanser.
  3. To keep your skin hydrated and preventing it from getting dry, make the habit of drinking 8 glasses of water daily. Water will aid in removing the toxins on your body.
  4. Never forget to sweat a lot too with regular exercise. This aids detoxification as well.
  5. Always keep the affected areas clean by washing 3 times a day. Use a medicated soap with anti-bacterial properties.
  6. If you are using make-up during the day, make sure to remove them before going to bed.


Whiteheads on the Nose Prevention


Keep your face skin clean and moisturized.

Wash your face twice a day.

Use moisturizer after washing face.
Steam your face for 5 to 10 minutes to cleanse your skin from dirt and dead skin cells. You can do steaming once a week.

Keep your face pores clean with facial. Use a organic facial cleanser which is oil free. You can also use a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid. It can help to unclogg the skin pores.

Remove dead skin cells with exfoliator once a week.

Don’t touch your nose because you can transfer bacteria and oil from your hands.

Don’t ever try to squeeze whiteheads alone, it’s better for you to consult to dermatologist first.

Drink enough water to get rid of dehydration of your body.


15 Home Remedies For Nose Whiteheads


1) Tomatoes

Tomatoes have natural acids that can help you to get rid of whiteheads. All you need to do is take a couple of tomatoes from your kitchen or kitchen garden and mash them into a pulp. Make a paste out of this pulp. Apply this pulp to your face like a cream. Let it remain on your face for an hour and then wash it off.

2) Water

Though most people don’t really realize it, water is a vital tool in your fight against whiteheads. Water helps in flushing out the toxins and bacteria from the body, which are the main cause of whiteheads. Hence, 8-10 glasses of water a day will help in keeping your skin healthy and glowing and thereby get rid of whiteheads. To avail maximum benefits, you need to keep consuming water throughout the day rather than gulping it all at once.

3) Apples and Honey

Honey has been used as a natural antiseptic for many ages. Moreover it is also rich in many vitamins that can help in keeping your skin healthy and of whiteheads. Apple is also great for your skin. Hence, all you need to do is make a paste out of an apple and mix it with 3 tablespoons of honey. Apply this mixture to all the whitehead infested areas to get rid of whiteheads. Let it remain for 20 minutes. Use warm water to rinse it off.

4) Oatmeal

Oatmeal helps in cleaning your skin by absorbing the excess oil and hence also helps you to get rid of whiteheads. Just apply a paste made out of oatmeal and water on your face. Let it remain for about 15 minutes. Remove it and wash your face with cold water.

5) Fenugreek Leaves

Use of a paste of fenugreek leaves and leaving it overnight and washing off with warm water the next morning, keeps away whiteheads.

6) Vinegar and Corn Starch

Mixture of vinegar and corn starch may left on the skin for 30 minutes and then rubbed off with a warm wash cloth. This remedy cleanses whiteheads of the skin.

7) Raw Milk and Lemon Scrub

A scrub made of 50 ml raw milk, 2 tablespoon lime juice and a pinch of salt can help to drag out whiteheads deposits from pores.

8) Pomegranate

You can get freedom from whiteheads by applying a mixture of roasted, powdered pomegranate and lime juice.

9) Groundnut oil

A mixture of one tablespoon groundnut oil and one tablespoon lime juice can be applied to get rid of whiteheads.

10) Almond

Almond Powder scrub may be used to dislodge whiteheads.

11) Sandalwood and Rose Water

A fine paste of sandalwood and rose water may be applied as mask, kept for 30 minutes and then washed off with lukewarm water. This allows easy extraction of whiteheads.

12) Potatoes

Whiteheads may be treated effectively with grated potatoes.

13) Egg White

One may mix 1 teaspoon honey with a beaten egg white and dab the mixture on whiteheads with a cotton swab and wash it off with warm water after 30 minutes. This treatment eliminates whiteheads.

14) Lemon Juice

Drinking the juice of one lemon squeezed in to a glass of warm water every morning can keep away whiteheads.

15) Steaming

Steaming the face can enlarge skin pores allowing easy extraction of the dirt and dead skin cells.