Forehead Acne Reason – Prevention and 10 Best Home Cures

Forehead Acne Reason


| Causing Factors | Prevention Tips | Home Cures |


Are you concerning about forehead acne reason? Anyone who faces this problem, wants to know forehead acne reason. Forehead acne reason is when excess oil and dead skin cells clogged up the pores that lead to inflammation. It can appear at any point in our life and it is more severe when we are in our puberty stages.

Forehead Acne Reason – 12 Causing Factors

forehead acne reason can be many. Below is the main and most common forehead acne reason list.

Makeup and Skin Care Products

This is one of the most common forehead acne reason. Skincare products can cause irritation or acne breakout. These include any product that clogs skin pores. Look for nonoily skincare and makeup products, but be aware these products can still make you break out.

Too Much Sun Exposure

Too much sun exposure can also be forehead acne reason. Researches show that exposure to sun rays is also one of many acne reasons. This can even cause acne a few months after sun exposure.


Climate changes can also forehead acne reason. Humidity can cause moisture in acne-affected skin cells to swell up. On the other side, dry air can create thick sebum inside skin cells. Both extremes can ultimately cause acne.

Picking and Squeezing Pimples

Popping pimples can also forehead acne reason. Touching your forehead or using your fingers to pop up or squeeze pimples is one of the simpler acne causes that are more from habit. Popping acne pushes bacteria deeper into the skin or spreads the bacteria already beneath the surface of the skin to make the situation worst.


Extra sweating is a major forehead acne reason. Friction caused by rubbing the skin or the pressure of bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars can contribute to or worsen forehead acne.


Bacteria that live on the skin are a contributor to forehead acne. This bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes are responsible for causing forehead acne. These bacteria create elements that dissolve the extra oil in the skin and irritate the skin causing acne on forehead.

Sebum production

Extra production of sebum is the most common forehead acne reason. There is a relationship between the extra sebum produced and the production of acne. The biggest sebaceous glands are situated on the face, neck, chest, upper back, and upper arms.


Changes in hormone level are the main forehead acne reason. Many acne causes come from hormonal change or imbalance in males and females both. There are hormonal changes can be during stress, menstruation, pregnancy, stopping or starting birth control pills, menopause, and hormonal disorders in the female.


Stress factor can also be one of the most common forehead acne reason. Stress doesn’t directly cause acne on forehead, it will make the situation severe because stress factor leads to increased androgen levels, which then affect your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum.


The genetic factor can also be forehead acne reason. If your parents had acne, there are chances you will inherit their complexion and face acne. It is now believed that acne can run in the genetic, but the specific genetic factor has not been finding out.



Forehead Acne Prevention Tips

Limit Hand Contact With Forehead Skin

Limit your hand contact with your forehead skin as you spreading the bacteria and oil to more areas of your forehead which will worsen your acne condition.

Tie Up Your Hair

The scalp produces oil and some of the oil will settle on your hair and transferred to forehead area. If you have long hair and they are regularly touching against your face, your risk of facing forehead acne is much higher because the oil from your hair is transferred to your forehead which may clog up your pores and create acne.

Use Hair Spray With Care

Hair sprays may cause acne to appear on your forehead too. The particles from the hair spray may irritate the skin or clogged up the pores which lead to more forehead acne. Either limit your use of hair spray or shield your face whenever you are using a hair spray.

Avoid Head Gears

Headgears tend to soak up our perspiration and collect bacteria. Whenever we wear our headgears, we spread the bacteria to our forehead which can lead to breakouts. Try to avoid headgears or wash them regularly to ensure they are clean for usage.

Do Not Smoke

Acne is more prevalent in active smokers compared to non-smokers. By stubbing out you are eliminating the risk of having more acne.

Home Remedies For Forehead Acne Treatment



Ice can help to soothe the pain of swelled, inflamed forehead acne, especially the cysts. Remember! don’t just take an ice cube out of your freezer and slap it on the forehead acne. Use an ice pack with a cover or towel wrapped around it before using it. If you don’t have an ice pack, simply wrap a few cubes in a towel or washcloth and hold it against your forehead acne for 15 minutes or so. A good time to do this is while you’re watching a movie.


This magical natural substance has bacteria-fighting qualities that make it a great option for acne treatment. It’s cheap in price to buy honey than most acne products, and you can get it out of the kitchen when you need it instead of storing it. Just pour a little onto a pan, dab a Q-tip in honey, and pat it gently on individual acne breakout on forehead. You can go to bed with it on, but be careful not to get it on your pillow, as it will stick to your forehead, leaving you with a peel-up job in the morning. Rinse it off when you wake up.

Aloe Vera

I’ve used aloe vera to calm the redness down on my face and cool off the steaming hot, swelling acne. It doesn’t necessarily fight against acne-causing bacteria, but it gives you some great relief while you sleep.


Tomato is a great help when it comes to pimples. The pulp can be applied to the pimples for up to an hour and washed off with lukewarm water. The natural acids in the tomato will help to counter extra skin oiliness.

Egg yolk

Another rather sticky best forehead acne treatment is the egg yolk remedy. As you might have already guessed, you’re going to whip it up and put it on your face. Before you do so, separate the egg yolk from the egg white either by cracking it into your hand over a bowl and separating it manually or by scooping the yolk out of a bowl with a spoon. Whisk it with a fork, stick a cotton ball in the yolk, and apply it to your forehead acne area.
Let it leave on for 15-20 minutes, wash it off with plain water.

Groundnut Oil and Line juice

Another best forehead acne treatment remedy is to mix groundnut oil with fresh lime juice and apply this mixture on the affected area of forehead acne. Leave the mask on forehead acne for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with water. This may be used to prevent the occurrence of blackheads and acne on forehead.


Toothpaste is another common cure. A small amount of toothpaste should be applied to the forehead acne at night, just before bedtime, and left on overnight. Use this remedy regularly for 1 week and see results.

Honey and Cinnamon

Honey may be mixed with cinnamon powder. This powder is then applied on the pimples just before going to sleep and then rinsed off thoroughly the next morning. Repeat this process for a minimum of two weeks and the Forehead acne should disappear from your face in no time at all.

Lemon Juice and Cinnamon

Another acne cure home remedy involves applying a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. It may be important to note that this mixture should not be used by those people that have sensitive skin.

Orange Peels

Ground orange peels mixed with water is another best forehead acne cure home remedy. It is then applied to the affected areas. It is then washed off after about 20 minutes with lukewarm water.