Excessive Dandruff Causes – 10 Best Anti Dandruff DIY Remedies

Excessive Dandruff Causes


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Are you searching for excessive dandruff causes? Everyone who got infected with heavy dandruff, want to know excessive dandruff causes and their solution. excessive dandruff causes can be many factors, you just have to find out excessive dandruff causes and take action to solve this problem.
Having Dandruff is very embarrassing, even the mildest case of scalp itchiness and flaky dry skin called dandruff is an awful situation to have. With dandruff flakes, they may sometimes be seen in your hair, but having heavy dandruff, the worst is when the flakes of skin fall onto your clothes, being very visible to other people, all on your shoulders and clothing.


Excessive Dandruff Causes

Here are some of the most common reasons for suffering from excessive dandruff:


Stress is one of the most common excessive dandruff causes. Sometimes mental stress can be the cause of dandruff as can it be the cause of many skin conditions.


Eating a poor diet on daily basis is one of the major excessive dandruff causes. A lack of B vitamins and the mineral Zinc could be a cause.


Fungal infection is also one of the common excessive dandruff causes. The fungus Malassezia feeds on the natural oils released by our hair follicles. When Malassezia helps itself to too much of our natural oils, the scalp’s response is to produce more skin cells which will eventually die and become evident as dandruff.

Hair Products

The use of low-quality hair care products is one of the major excessive dandruff causes. Some of us will be more sensitive to certain products than others. If your skin sensitivity is high, the wrong hair products or over shampooing, for example, can irritate the skin and cause dandruff.

Skin Conditions

Skin infections can also be one of the major excessive dandruff causes. Those who suffer from other skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis can be more prone to excessive dandruff.

Dry Skin

Extreme weather conditions such as the winter cold mixed with central heating are a common cause of dry skin and in turn dandruff.

Lack of Brushing

Lack of hair brushing is also one of the common excessive dandruff causes. Brushing the hair is essential to help the shedding of the skin and stimulate new skin cells. Over-brushing or under brushing can be a factor in the formation of dandruff.

Dry Scalp


Dry scalp is one of the main excessive dandruff causes. The simplest and easiest to cured dandruff is caused by dry scalp. It is often produced by extra dry environment conditions or the extra use of low-quality hair care products, this condition can be cured by moisturizing. Massage skin moisturizer or organic oil into your scalp 1/2 hour before going to take bath and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner after bathing.

Oily Scalp


Oily scalp is also one of the main excessive dandruff causes. People who have oily scalp can also get excessive dandruff. The exact cause of heavy dandruff has not yet been identified but has been speculated to be due to the excessive oil helping the growth of yeast and fungi that can damage the scalp. Switch to a dandruff treatment shampoo meant for oily hair for a few weeks to see if that clears it up. If not, see your doctor or try some of the remedies in the article.

Head Lice

Infestation with head lice can also be one of the major excessive dandruff causes. Head lice can cause itching and flakes that are often create excessive dandruff. The flakes are actually lice eggs and the facial excretions of head lice.

How To Prevent Dandruff From Coming Back


Use an anti-dandruff shampoo that you choose according to your type of scalp (fat, dry, scaly, irritated), your type of hair (thin, colored, damaged), and your type of dandruff (oily, dry tenacious, temporary).

Do not “mistreat” your hair anymore, instead of mass and rinse it gently, then comb or brush it gently.

Always rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and finish with a blast of cold water.

Remember to regularly wash your comb or brush in order to prevent the fungus to infect your scalp again.

Avoid using hair styling gels, sprays, as well as the use of helmets also.
Space out the time between perms, straightening, and dyes (no more than once per month).

Be sure to find (or keep) a balanced diet, neither too rich nor too acidic.

Best Anti-Dandruff Home Remedies


There are tons of home remedies for dandruff cures out there. Here I’ll list some of the most commonly recommended excessive dandruff treatment home remedies.


Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil has anti-fungal properties and can be used as the best anti dandruff remedy. Massage the tea tree oil into the scalp and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing clean.


Coneflower and Red Clover Extract


This is one of the most popular anti-dandruff remedies. It is also called SCALP REMEDY. Mix both coneflower and red clover extract equal quantity, and apply directly to the scalp after every bath.


Oil Soaks

Scalp massages with organic oils an hour before bathing are said to rejuvenate and cure a dry scalp problem. This method works like Skin lotions as well.


Vinegar Rinses


Some people get success for dandruff treatment after rinsing their hair with white or apple cider vinegar prior to bathing. It may have something to do with correcting your hair’s internal health PH balance.



Apply few spoons of curd paste into the scalp and wash it with a mild shampoo to clear dandruff. Moreover, you can make a paste of curd with green gram and apply it twice a week. Trust me, it is one of the most effective ways to treat and prevent dandruff.


Apple Juice

A mixture of pure apple juice and warm water can be used to massage the scalp for heavy dandruff treatment. This treatment helps to get rid of dandruff very fast and permanent.


Lime Juice

Lime juice can be used for the hair and scalp rinse to treat dandruff. This is an effective and easiest method to treat excessive dandruff conditions.


Coconut Oil

Application of warm coconut oil mixed with black pepper on the scalp is the most beneficial and result oriented home treatment for excessive dandruff.


Beet Root Juice

The application of beetroot juice mixed with cider vinegar helps to treat excessive dandruff effectively.