Why Dry Skin Itch? 07 Home Remedies For Dry Itching Skin

Why Dry Skin Itch?


| Dry Skin | Causes | Prevention | 07 Home Remedies |



Do you want to know why dry skin itch? There are many causes of dry itchy skin. During the summer, we alternate between the dry air of our air-conditioned offices and cars to the outdoor summer heat and humidity. Then, winter rolls around and the lack of humidity and the dry heat from our furnaces draws the moisture out of our skin again, causing the familiar winter itch. If you want to treat Dry Itchy Skin, you should know Why Dry Skin Itch?

Dry Skin

Dry skin is a skin type that contains low amounts of sebum (skin oil). Due to poor sebum secretion, the skin becomes parched, flaky, and extremely itchy. The skin fails to maintain moisture after every wash and becomes all the drier. The answer to why dry skin itch is Dry skin becomes very sensitive and itchiness may soar to maddening levels, causing one to violently scratch the skin with a back scratcher.

Skin chapping, cracking, and wrinkles are the signs of skin dryness. Body parts like arms, hands, lower legs, sides of abdomen, cheeks, around the eyes are prone to skin dryness. Dryness, if ignored for a long time, may lead to dermatitis or skin inflammation and infection.


Why Dry Skin itch?

There can be many reasons why dry skin itch. Below are the main and most common reason which can explain why dry skin itch.

Hot Showers

Hot water strips protective oils from the skin resulting in dry skin. Using warm water and limiting showers or baths to 5 or 10 minutes once a day will limit dryness.

Cold Air

Cold and dry winter air is a common cause. The low temperature and humidity levels in winter, sap protective oils from the outer layer of the skin leaving it chapped and dry. Also in the winter, the use of central heating drops the level of humidity aiding conditions that cause the skin to dry.

Hot Dry Air

The hot dry air in desert climates can also cause dryness. Whether you live in a hot and dry climate or in a hot and humid climate, the use of air conditioning is common. Air conditioners remove the water level from the air causing a dry environment that also contributes to dry skin.

Exposure to Sun

The heat caused by the sun just like any type of heat causes dryness. But the UV from the sun causes damage to the skin below the outer layer, breaking down collagen and elasticity of the fibers, causing sagging and wrinkly skin.

Cosmetics and Soaps

Many cosmetics have ingredients the can cause irritation, as well as the use of soaps with a detergent base. The use of cosmetics at a very young age can also cause premature aging of the skin.


As we age blood circulation and the ability to produce oil and fatty substances diminish. Cell repair is also slower and the skin also becomes thinner. All this causing water content to reduce and making it harder to retain oils and moisture.

Lack of Exercise

When we don’t get enough exercise we deprive our skin of better blood flow and cleansing from within by sweating.

Lack of Sleep

When we sleep the body repairs itself. Lack of sleep deprives the time needed for skin cells to repair themselves.


Exposure to air pollution and other ozone concentrations reduces the skin’s supply of vitamin E drastically within just a few hours.

Vitamin E preserves the skin’s oils and helps protect the functions of cells and intracellular processes. Vitamin E also helps the body increase and control the levels of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential in the growth of new skin cells.


An unhealthy diet lacking vegetables, fruits, grains, and fish, can cause vitamin deficiencies that cause unhealthy skin conditions. Excessive consumption of fried foods, alcohol, and caffeine, all help to increase dryness of the skin.

Medical Conditions

Most self-care treatments by using over the counter products like moisturizers, sunscreens, mild cleansers, and soaps should improve the skin’s condition. A healthy diet which includes omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E, fibers, and antioxidants like olive oil and berry fruits, should also decrease dryness.

Prevention From Skin Itching

As you know ” PREVENTION IS BETTER THEN CURE ” when you have come to know why dry skin itch, you should focus on the causes of why dry skin itch. Below are the common tips to prevent dry itchy skin.

1. Keep yourself warm in dry cold climates.

2. Massage the whole body with body massage oil which is infused with Vata balancing herbs.

3. Do not sit near the fireplace.

4. Avoid stale, over fried, dry food.

5. Always consume fresh warm food with little fat like olive oil.

6. Include sour and salty food in the diet.

7. Sweet juicy fruits are recommended.

8. Drink 7-9 glasses of warm water every day. (Do not drink cold water as it increases Vata)

07 Best Home Remedies for Dry Itchy Skin


Organic Oils

While your skin is still slightly damp, apply a generous amount of your favorite natural oil like almond or olive oil to your skin. This will help to maintain skin moisture and will keep the skin moist longer.


Honey helps moisturize, soften, and tighten the skin. Pour some drops of honey onto your fingers and apply directly to the affected area with a light tapping motion. After a couple of minutes, rinse with warm water and pat the area dry with a soft cloth. You can also apply honey to dry patches on the face five minutes before a warm shower or bath.  

Brown Sugar

Combine two tablespoons olive oil, four tablespoons brown sugar, and one tablespoon honey. Softly apply to dry facial area in a circular motion for a few minutes. Rinse gently with warm water then pat dry and apply a natural moisturizer.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is often used to soothe irritated skin, but it also has the ability to moisturize even the driest, flaky skin. Apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel to the dry itchy skin area. Let it leave on dry itchy skin area for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Use warm water to rinse off any gel that wasn’t absorbed into your skin.

Milk Cream

Massaging skin with a mixture of milk cream rose water and lime juice is a beneficial remedy. It erases fine lines and wrinkles.

Clay Powder

The use of a mixture of clay powder and one teaspoon honey also eradicates skin dryness.


One may apply mashed banana on the skin, leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.