11 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid of Lice Fast

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Lice Fast


| Facts | Symptoms | Prevention | Home Remedies |

Are you searching for home remedies to get rid of lice fast? Hair lice are a big problem for individuals and families all over the globe. These pesky small insects cause scalp itching and in time cause some red bumps on your neck and head also. Now that’s annoying.
In this article, you will learn facts, prevention, and home remedies to get rid of lice fast.

Facts About Lice

Before I start with the home remedies to get rid of lice fast, let’s go over some facts that you must know about lice and nits.

1. Lice are small parasitic insects that live in the hair and scalp of humans and animals. They must need blood to survive.

2. Lice easily spread from one person to another by direct contact.

3. Regardless of personal hygiene, anyone can be infested with head lice.

4. Nits are lice eggs, usually yellow to white, and attach to the hair shaft. Their production is very rapid, so fast treatment is necessary.

5. Adult lice are about the size of a sesame seed, have six legs, and are grayish-white.

6. Lice do not jump, they crawl.

7. They will not live more than 2 days if they come off of your skin.

Obvious Lice Symptoms

Lice don’t crave much in life; just a nice warm host on which to crawl and feed.

The easiest and most obvious first sign that shows that someone in your family has some unwanted little visitors is constant head-scratching. The itchiness that causes you to want to keep scratching your head is not created by the lice crawling on your scalp. It is an irritation on your skin caused by an allergic reaction to lice bites.

When they feed on your blood they leave saliva deposits which in turn makes the skin redden and become irritated and itchy.

Although most people show these symptoms relatively early on, many do not. The itchy skin can sometimes be delayed for up to 6 weeks. By this time the lice can have re-produced many times and without you even knowing you could end up with a full head of these annoying parasites.

How To Avoid Head Lice?

The only way to make sure you don’t end up with this extreme type of infestation is to regularly check your child’s hair. If you thoroughly check their hair regularly you will be able to catch any rogue insects before they manage to multiply.

Reasons For Using Lice Home Remedies To Get Rid of Lice Fast

1. Lice-killing formulas that are subscribed and bought can be very harmful.

2. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use head-lice medications.

3. Lice Medications can not be used on eyebrows or eyelashes.

4. Home remedies for lice are safe to use.

5. Home remedies for lice can be used over and over.

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Lice Fast

Below are the 11 best home remedies to get rid of lice fast


One of the best home remedies to get rid of lice fast is by using a fine-toothed comb. These combs are made typically for head lice removal and are easily available in the market. This method needs patience on the part of the parents and the children.

When using the combing method, divide the hair into sections and tie all sections using a clip or a pin. Choose one section, untie and comb through it to remove nits and lice on one area first. After the first round, make sure to thoroughly wash the comb or wipe it completely to remove the lice and repeat the method on the other sections.

After each combing round, make sure to wash the comb in warm, soapy water for about 10 minutes. Repeat the combing process every 7 to 10 days at least 3 to 4 times to make sure that all lice and nits are eliminated.

Vinegar And Mayonnaise

Another one of the effective home remedies to get rid of lice fast can contain a combination of these two. To start the lice removal treatment, apply a handful of mayonnaise onto the hairs and scalp, from roots to tips of hairs, and cover with a shower cap. Let it leave for at least 3 to 4 hours.

This is to make sure that the lice are completely killed. After doing this process, rinse the hair with vinegar. Repeat the same process after 7 to 10 days and do this at least 3 to 4 times to make sure that the lice are eliminated.

Garlic Paste And Lime Juice

This is one of the easiest home remedies to get rid of lice fast. Add 1 teaspoon garlic paste into 1 teaspoon of fresh lime juice. Mix both natural ingredients well and apply them to the hair and scalp. Let it leave on for at least 30 minutes and then wash the hair.

Essential Oils

Using essential oil is also one of the trusted home remedies to get rid of lice fast which gaining much popularity nowadays. Applying tea tree oil is one of the easiest home remedies to get rid of lice fast. Add and mix at least 15 drops of tea tree oil in a shampoo bottle. Better if the shampoo bottle is half-filled only so that the oil can spread more evenly. Use this as your daily shampoo.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera leaves also do work very well in removing the lice at the same time giving much luster and volume to falling hair. How to apply? Pick an Aloe Vera leaf, remove all the thorns in its side carefully, peel it off and form a gel substance.
Apply aloe vera gel to hair and scalp and leave it there for at least 30 minutes. Divide hair into an inch sub-sections. You may add a teaspoonful of aloe vera gel and mixed it with your favorite shampoo. Apply daily and consistently. After each bath, use a metal lice comb and pick up lice one by one.


Try using rosemary. This natural ingredient kills the head lice and prevents them from coming back. If you are heavily infested with head lice, try mixing about 30 drops of rosemary oil and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Rub this mixture on your head, cover it with a shower cap, leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning.

Onion Juice

One of the simplest home remedies to get rid of lice fast is to apply onion juice on the scalp and leave it there for two hours. Now shampoo your hair. You can try this process again after a couple of days.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is famous as a natural lice remover. All you need to do is apply tea tree oil on your hair and allow it to stay there overnight. The next morning wash your hair.


Soak ten to twelve almonds in water. Later make a paste out of these soaked almonds after peeling off and mix lemon juice (three to four tablespoon) in it. Now apply this almond paste and lemon juice mixture on your scalp and wait for the next one to two hours. After this procedure, wash your hair with cold water.


Neem leaves are very effective in removing head lice. All you have to do is take some neem leaves, grind them to make them into a paste. Apply this neem leave the paste to your hair and let it dries. Once dried, wash your hair. Try this head lice removal remedy at least two times a week.
Basil Leaves
Basil leaves are very beneficial in removing head lice quickly. Just make a paste out of twenty to thirty basil leaves and then apply it to your hair. Wait for 30 minutes until it dries. Now wash it off. You can try this home remedy for lice removal two times a week.