Infested with Head Lice – 05 Remedies For Lice Treatment

infested with head lice

Overview | Who Can Infested | Symptoms | Infested With Head Lice Remedies



Infested with Head Lice Overview

Infested with Head Lice is very common in women especially Preschool and elementary school girls have the highest risk of getting head lice infestations. They tend to play closely together.
Infested with Head lice are contagious. You can become infested with head lice when the insects crawl onto your head. You might get head lice include

  • Head to head contact someone who Infested with head lice
  • Sharing the comb of someone Infested with head lice
  • Using a fabric item after a person Infested with head lice

While transmission of lice via inanimate objects may be possible, it’s been found to be highly unlikely. Some of these inanimate objects may include brushes, combs, barrettes, headbands, headphones, and hats.
It may also be possible for lice to live for a time on upholstered furniture, bedding, towels, or clothing.
It should be stressed that the biggest concern for transmission is close head-to-head contact occurring mainly in children during play. Transmission via objects is a rare exception, according to several sources.
There are some differing opinions on the transmission of head lice via inanimate objects, but the science doesn’t seem to support transmission in this manner.


Who Can Infested With Head Lice


School students have the highest risk of getting infested with head lice. They like to play closely together.

There’s also an increased risk of head lice infestation for family members of school-aged children. People who work in a daycare center school share this risk.


Infested With Head Lice Symptoms


When you Infested with Head Lice, you feel

  • Extreme scalp itchiness
  • Feeling like something is crawling on your scalp
  • Sores and scabs on your scalp from scratching

05 Best Remedies For Head Lice Treatment

1- Onion Juice For Head Lice Treatment

You Need

Onion Juice For Head Lice Treatment
  • Onion Juice 5 tablespoon
  • Lemon Juice 1/2 tablespoon
  • Turmeric Powder 1/2 teaspoon

How To Prepare


  • Take a small clean bowl.
  • Add all the above ingredients to it.
  • Mix very well all ingredients to make one color fine solution.
  • Your remedy is ready to use now.

How To Apply


  • Apply this solution especially on the scalp very deeply.
  • Massage for 3 to 5 minutes gently.
  • Now apply the solution on hairs.
  • Make a roll of hairs and cover with a shower cap.
  • Now let it leave for 1 to 2 hours.
  • After 1 to 2 hours take shower and wash hairs with a mild shampoo.
  • Use twice weekly for best results.

2-Vinegar and Mayonnaise For Head Lice Treatment


Most effective home head lice remedies can contain a combination of these two ingredients. To start the treatment, apply a handful of mayonnaise onto the scalp and hair, from roots to tips, and cover with a shower cap. Leave it for at least 4 to 5 hours.

Vinegar and Mayonnaise for Head Lice

This is to make sure that the lice are smothered and that they are killed. After doing so, rinse the hair with vinegar. Repeat the same process after 7 to 10 days and do this at least 3 to 4 times to make sure that the lice are completely eliminated.

3-Garlic Paste and Lime Juice


combine 1 teaspoon of garlic paste and 1 teaspoon of lime juice. Mix it well and apply it to the hair and scalp. Leave this on for at least 30 minutes and then wash the hair.

Garlic Paste and Lime Juice for Head Lice

Tree Tea and Olive Oil For Head Lice Treatment


Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of tea tree essential oil with a cup of olive oil and rub it onto the scalp and hair. Leave the solution for 3 minutes, before shampooing your hair, in order to remove the grease.

Tree Tea and Olive Oil for Head Lice

After that, use white vinegar to wash your hair and to loosen the gluey substance that enables nits to hold firmly onto the hair shaft. Leave your hair soaked with white vinegar for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Repeat, rinsing your hair with vinegar twice. Then, start combing your hair with a flea comb to get rid of the remaining nits.

Combing For Head Lice Treatment


one of the best ways to get rid of lice and nits is by using a fine-toothed comb. especial for head lice removal combs are available in the market.

Combing for Head Lice

This process requires patience on the part of the parent and the child. When combing, divide the hair into sections and tie all other sections using a clip or a pin. Leave one section untied and comb through it to remove nits and lice on one area first.
After the first stroke, make sure to wash the comb or wipe it to remove the lice and repeat the process on the other sections. After each combing session, make sure to wash the comb in warm, shampoo mix soapy water for about 15 minutes.

Repeat the combing process every 7 to 10 days at least 3 to 4 times to make sure that all lice and nits are completely eliminated.