Buttock Acne Remedies – Common Treating Mistakes and 05 Best Cures

Buttock Acne Remedies


| Reasons | Treating Mistake | Prevention | Home Remedies |

Are you searching for buttock acne remedies? Everyone who is facing buttock acne wants to know buttock acne remedies because this is the best, safe, cheap, and effective treatment to use buttock acne remedies. One of the most embarrassing forms of acne you can have is buttock acne, and this is especially true if you’re a female, for reasons we won’t get into because we don’t want to show. Buttock Acne can be an absolutely debilitating condition, and it plagues you enough with your clothes touch. No need to compound the problem by having it on your back, butt, and chest.
In this article, we will briefly discuss causes, mistakes, prevention tips, and buttock acne remedies.

Buttock Acne Causes


Before applying buttock acne remedies, you must know the causing factors that are responsible for buttock acne. Below are the most common buttock acne causes.

Sitting A Lot

Reasons for getting acne or pimples on the buttocks can be by sitting down a lot. Regular exercise can usually help clear the acne up. After school study or work, take any type of exercise you enjoy it should keep you healthy and the acne away.


Lack of exfoliation could also be causing acne on the buttock. buy a mild exfoliating cream and use it on your buttocks every time after shower. To make exfoliating easier you can buy a loofah to reach the harder places on your buttocks.


Buttock acne can get aggravated by body sweat which forms in warm places such as the buttocks, by wearing cotton underwear you can let your skin breath and reduce the amount of body sweat. When exercising your body sweat a lot, so take a shower and pat down your skin. The body sweat will get washed away with a shower and your body will cool down.

Tight Clothes

The use of tight clothing is one of the main reasons for buttock acne. This kind of clothing prevents the skin from breathing which results in pore-clogging and ultimately leads to buttock acne.

Bathing Soaps

Bathing soaps and washing detergents may be the cause of your buttock acne. The detergents which are used for washing clothes and the soaps used for bathing may also cause buttock acne. It is said that an overused or abrasive soap can cause buttock acne. It’s better to be careful while choosing bathing and cloth washing soaps and detergents.

Drugs Reaction

The usage of drugs may also result in buttock acne. Buttock acne can be a reaction to some drugs. If you find any symptoms of buttock acne after using a certain drugs then it is mandatory to consult a doctor and get some advice to solve the problem. Recreational drugs like cocaine are also one of the known reasons for buttock acne.

Get Rid of Butt Acne Mistake


The biggest mistake that you can make when trying to get rid of buttock acne is to overdo scrubbing the affected areas and not following an effective cure procedure. Do not scrub your buttock acne. This will only cause more irritation and encourage the bacteria and infection to spread faster and make the situation worst.

Buttock Acne Prevention Tips

Change Your Bed Sheets

This is very easy to do and it helps out a lot in buttock acne cure. You are in bed every night and your body oils get into entering in the bedsheets and build up fast. Then when you’re back in bed these same oils creep back into your pores, creating acne on your buttocks.

Wash Your Clothes

Same concept as with the bedsheets. Your clothes will absorb body oils the same way, so don’t wear clothes for more than one day without washing. Also, acne on the buttocks is formed faster when clothing is tight and rubs against your buttock skin. I’d recommend wearing boxers since they are looser.

Shower Daily

again, very basic, but it is necessary. Showering will cleanse your body of acne creating bacteria, body sweat, and oils that create the acne on the buttock. It also doesn’t hurt to use a body cleanser, specifically oil-free. You don’t need anything expensive, products from the local department store are fine.

Wear Cotton Underwear

Any other fabric like silk, polyester, and acrylics can cause skin irritation, but most of all these fabrics don’t body breathe well. Your skin needs fresh air and it needs to stay dry especially covered body skin. Cotton helps your skin breathe easily and it will absorb some excessive skin moisture also. If your body sweats a lot, then you can spay baby powder or cornstarch in your underwear to help absorb extra moisture and keep your skin dry.


Buttock Acne Remedies – 05 Best Methods

Below are the most effective buttock acne remedies. By using these buttock acne remedies, you can easily get rid of buttock acne.

Peel of Orange and Apple

This is one of the best buttock acne remedies. Use a blender to mash some orange and apple peel and add a little amount of water. You can also mix some Vaseline instead of water. Apply it on your buttock acne area and let it be there for 30 to 40 minutes.
Remember! gently apply it on your buttock skin for the acne would not get irritated that would cause more acne breakouts on the buttocks. Wash it with lukewarm water mix with a little salt.


Green Tea

This is one of the most effective buttock acne remedies. You can mix some lavender oil or coconut oil with green tea. This mixture is not just good for your buttock acne, but for any part of the body affected by acne.



The use of tomato is one of the easiest and effective buttock acne remedies. Mix some pulp of ripe tomatoes and lemon juice together. Apply this remedy daily for the best results that you want. Be sure that you don’t use body washing soaps that have a strong smell.

Tea Tree Oil

This is one of my favorite buttock acne remedies. Tea tree oil is used for many treatments of different kinds of acne, using it on your buttocks can relieve yourself of acne too. Apply small amounts onto the buttock acne after a shower and once your skin is dry. Tea tree oil is an antibacterial substance that will kill the buttock acne, it takes some time to work so do not expect immediate results.


Ice Cube Massage

This is one of the best and magical buttock acne remedies. Buttock acne pain will cause disturbed sleeping in the night time. You can reduce the acne pain and sleepless nights by giving an ice cube massage to the buttock. This will reduce inflammation and pain.