Reasons For Chest Acne – Prevention And How To Treat

Reasons For Chest Acne

| Chest Acne | Differences | Who Does Effect |
| Reasons | Prevention | Home Treatment |


The reasons for chest acne are the same as regular acne. Chest acne is also called body acne. The main reasons for Chest acne are the overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands, dirt, and clogged pores. When there is an overproduction of sebum (skin oil) in the body, skin pores become clogged. The extra sebum and dead skin cells create the perfect living condition for the bacteria which is the reason for chest acne. This bacteria grow on the chest skin, multiply and cause skin infection. This infection leads to create pimples or acne, characterized by red and inflamed bumps.


What is Chest Acne?


Chest acne is a common skin condition that affects both adults and adolescents. Bacteria and germs are the prime cause of acne on the chest and back area because the chest is often covered it can provide and it can retain dirt much longer than the face. It can also become irritated through certain types of clothes which may contribute to acne. The most common causes of chest acne are high levels of stress, tight-fitting clothes, pollution, medications, hormonal changes, and genes.


Difference Between Facial Acne and Chest Acne


While facial acne is typically caused by external factors such as pollution, chest acne is commonly caused by gene factors, hormonal changes, or certain medications that you take and steroids. Another possible cause could be the blocked evaporation of your sweat.


Who Gets Chest Acne?


Chest acne can affect people’s ages range from 11 to 40 years old and above. It can appear equally in both men and women. This is still a mystery why chest acne can affect some people while others don’t face the same problem. Its root cause is still unknown. It has the ability to run in families and it usually appears in people with extra oily skin and those who sweat excessively.


Reasons For Chest Acne


There are many reasons for chest acne include:

1) Oily Skin

Oily skin is one of the main reasons for chest acne. Chest acne starts developing when the skin pores get blocked by the excessive production of sebum which is the oily substance that our skin secretes.

Skin oil (Sebum) is produced by the sebaceous glands in the skin. As Sebum along with dead skin cells accumulates, it eventually provides the best living environment for a bacterium called propionibacterium acne to grow. In time this bacterium causes skin infection, which eventually leads to the formation of what we call pimple or acne.

2) More Sweat

Body sweating is one of the major reasons for chest acne. Body sweat is also the reason for chest acne. More sweat which is produced in summers mixes with the sebum and causes clogging of the pores. If the pores stay clogged for a prolonged period of time it may cause acne. Tight-fitting clothes can also affect chest acne. They don’t allow the sweat to evaporate which causes clogged pores and chest acne.

3) Hormonal Changes or Imbalance

One of the basic reasons for chest acne is Hormonal Changes or Imbalance. An increase in the level of hormones in the body can lead to the overproduction of sebum. Extra sebum can clog the skin pores. Extra skin oil collects dirt, as well as dead skin cells, and makes the perfect environment for the bacteria to grow and multiply day by day.

4) Stress

Stress is one of the most common reasons for chest acne. Stress is considered a triggering and aggravating factor of chest acne. It is not a direct reason for chest acne, but it enhances the growth of acne on the chest by increasing the release of hormones that produce more sebum. Emotional and physical stress significantly create acne on the chest.

Men and women who are suffering from emotional pressures in work and school are highly affected by chest acne than those who don’t. Outbreaks are often observed in people who have emotional and mental stress.

5) Diet

Diet is also one of the reasons for chest acne. It has been shown that particular types of food are the reasons for the growth of chest acne. Like nuts and chocolates are the foods that doctors would recommend not eating, or at least limit the consumption for chest acne-prone people.

6) Improper Hygiene

Improper Hygiene is also one of the common reasons for chest acne. An unclean body is more prone to chest acne, and acne on other body parts. Sweat, dirt, including dead skin cells and sebum, provides a good environment for the bacteria to live in the skin. Excessive washing and cleansing can also cause chest acne since the skin generates more oil to treat skin dryness. Touching and popping the acne can also make the skin condition worse.

7) Cosmetic Products

Careless use of several cosmetic products is also one of the common reasons for chest acne. Oil-based skin products can clog the skin pores and make the chest acne condition worse. Some ingredients found in sunscreens and moisturizers, as well as make-up items, may be harmful to the skin. This will promote the growth of chest acne or worse the condition.


Prevention From Chest Acne


If you want to prevent chest acne, you have to follow some tips like:

  1. Chest acne becomes worse in the summer season because of the fact that your body sweat more. When body sweat mixes with dirt and sebum the skin pores get clogged. To avoid this you should take a bath immediately after your body does some heavy sweating.
  2. Take at least 1 time a week a charcoal or mud mask to gets rid of dirt in skin pores.
  3. Do not use creams and oils on your chest acne because they can clog skin pores. Try to keep the skin pores clean and clear.
  4. Do not wear clothes that are too tight. If clothes are too tight and fit to the skin, the clothes fabric holds on the sweat between the skin and the clothes. This will result in clogged pores. Try to wear cotton and loose-fitting clothes because cotton clothing will let your skin breathe easier and fade away the body sweat.
  5. Some herbs you can use to treat your chest acne are red clover blossom, sarsaparilla root, licorice root, and burdock root. These natural herbs help to re-balance your hormones and clear your skin.
  6. Try to remove the dead cells of your skin by using liquid scrubs or mechanically by using glycolic acid or salicylic acid.
  7. Do not use drugstore goods that are made to treat acne externally for chest acne. Remember that chest acne has an internal reason for appearing. You could better use products that can treat the acne internally and externally.
  8. The most important tip to cure your chest acne is that you should be aware of the fact that you are the key to acne solution. It is all about what you eat and drink daily and how you cleanse your skin

Chest Acne Home Treatment

Tea Tree Oil

After taking your shower, make sure you rub some tea tree oil over your chest area and gently massage the affected areas. Tea tree oil is a very effective natural solution for acne. Its highly effective antibacterial capability means that it will help kill the bacteria which cause the formation of acne in the first place.

Orange peel

The orange peel treatment is one of the best ways to deal with acne naturally. Just simply pulverize the orange peel, and apply it to the acne directly. Orange peel is somewhat acidic and so making it gives it its capability to control sebum.


Like orange, lemon is also acidic which makes it a great treatment choice for people with acne. Simply squeeze the juice out of a piece of lemon and apply it to the acne blemishes on your chest.


Rub garlic on your chest many times during the day. This eventually cleans and clears your skin of acne blemishes. To hasten the healing process, chew on raw garlic. Your breath will stink but this helps to cleanse your blood of impurities, enabling you to get rid of acne faster.


Hydrating and soothing, grated cucumber when applied on acne blemishes for 20 minutes offer some relief to skin affected with acne.

Sea Salt

Just dilute one cup of sea salt in one liter of water and use a clean washcloth to wash the affected areas. Continue doing this until you used up all the salt solution.

Drink Water

Don’t drink carbonated soda to quench your thirst. The healthy solution for thirst is water and nothing else. Your body needs pure water to stay hydrated and healthy. Water helps to detoxify your body too. Toxic chemicals are being consumed by us on a second-to-second basis. These substances can be allergy-causing, acne-triggering, and sometimes simply toxic. Water can help remove the toxic buildup in your body effectively and give you more hydrated skin.