Blackheads on Nose Removal Home Remedies – 11 Best Home Cures

Blackheads on Nose Removal Home Remedies


| Blackheads | Causes | Prevention Tips | Home Remedies |



Are you concerned about blackheads on nose removal home remedies. The best solution for this type of acne is blackheads on nose removal home remedies. Blackheads on the nose are tiny black spots that can be seen from a distance on your nose skin. Mostly they occur on your nose. If you are searching for blackheads on nose removal home remedies, you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss the best, easy, and effective blackheads on nose removal home remedies.

Blackheads – what is it?


Blackhead is a type of acne vulgaris wherein it is characterized by a blackish plug on your skin.


How Do Blackheads Form?


Blackhead is caused by increased sebum or oil that is clogged on the pores duct. Such a clog disrupts the flow of the oil to be secreted. The excess oil found on the pores clogged contains keratin and sebum which oxidizes with the help of oxygen that leads to a blackhead.

How to Prevent Blackheads?

As you know PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE, before applying blackheads on nose removal home remedies, you must follow some prevention tips.

Excessive Sun

Try to avoid too much sun exposure during the mid-day. You should try Umbrella and appropriate sunscreen lotion before going to outside.

Oil-Based Products

Regular makeup and oil-based skincare products will keep your skin pores clogged on a regular basis. There are many oil-free products available in the market, you can try if necessary.

Harsh Abrasives

Your skin reacts to harsh soaps and abrasive pads that irritate your skin by trying to repair the damage you’ve done, clogging your pores.

Emotional Stress

When you’re stressed situation, your body sebaceous glands produce more skin oil. Maintain and solve stress factors to prevent blackheads on the nose.

Popping Them

Popping pimples or blackheads on the nose or other areas on skin can worsen your skin and even pus infected material back into the skin.

Blackheads on Nose Removal Home Remedies


Baking Soda

This is one of the best blackheads on nose removal home remedies. Baking soda is known to be a cleansing agent. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with warm water to make a semi-thick fine paste. Rub it on to your blackheads infected nose skin like a scrub using your fingers in a circular motion. Leave it on to dry. Rinse off with warm water. Regular use will unclog the pores and help remove blackheads.


The use of sugar is one of the most effective blackheads on nose removal home remedies. By mixing 1 tablespoon sugar and 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice in a bowl to make a paste. Use it as a scrub on the blackheads affected nose area and wash it off with cold water. The rough texture of sugar helps remove the dead skin cells and lemon juice works as a cleansing agent by removing excess skin oil from nose skin.

Nutmeg Powder and Buttermilk

This easy remedy is one of the delegate blackheads on nose removal home remedies. For this remedy Make a paste out of nutmeg powder and buttermilk accordingly. Rub it on to the nose blackheads affected area like a facial scrub. The nutmeg powder will remove the excess skin oil from nose skin and work as an exfoliating agent, and the buttermilk will help loosen the dead skin cells and remove them.

Clay Mask

Clay mask remedy is one of the most trusted blackheads on nose removal home remedies. Use of Clay mask is the good old remedy of rejuvenating the skin and it also helps in getting rid of blackheads from nose skin. Take a facial clay from the market that you like, it doesn’t have to be much expensive. Mix it with plain water or apple cider vinegar and apply on the blackheads on the nose affected area. Let it dry. Then wet it with a damp sponge or cloth and rinse off with cold water. Regular use will definitely help remove blackheads by checking excess oil and clearing the pores.

Turmeric Powder and Milk

This turmeric powder and milk paste remedy is one of the easiest blackheads on nose removal home remedies. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric powder with some milk. You can also mix some chickpea flour or sandalwood powder to this. Prepare a paste and apply it all over the affected skin area. Turmeric is a great antiseptic natural agent and it also cleanses and improves the skin. Chickpea flour works as an exfoliating agent and milk help to remove dead skin cells from the nose. Sandalwood powder adds some extra touch of fragrance along with giving a cooling effect to the skin.

Mint Juice and Turmeric Powder

Mint Juice and turmeric powder home remedy is one of the best blackheads on nose removal home remedies. Turmeric can be used in a number of skincare home remedies. Mint juice and turmeric powder can be mixed and applied to the blackheads affected nose areas. Leave for about ten minutes and then remove with warm water. You can also mix turmeric with neem leaves and apply it to your face, back, neck or chest to remove blackheads.

Honey and Cinnamon

Honey is another natural ingredient that you will often find in many home remedies for skincare blackheads removal. You can mix honey with cinnamon powder to create a thick paste. This paste can be spread onto your blackhead affected nose area and left there overnight. You must rinse the paste with plain water the next morning. Using this blackheads on nose removal home remedy for several weeks produces fantastic and magical results. You can even just apply semi-warm honey to your blackheads on the nose and rinse off after 10 to 20 minutes.

Facial Mask

One of the best ways for getting rid of blackheads from the nose at home is to use a facial mask. Combine cooked plain oatmeal with honey and one raw egg white. Apply it to your face after washing. Let it cool and stay on your face for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off. Oatmeal is great for removing excess oil and honey has natural antibacterial properties.

Lemon Juice

The use of lemon is one of the fastest blackheads on nose removal home remedies. Apply fresh lemon juice on your skin. Lemon makes a great astringent and can be effective for fighting bacteria on your skin. Wash your face with plain water 15 to 20 minutes after applying.

Aloe Vera

The use of this Aloe Vera gel home remedy is one of the most trusted blackheads on nose removal home remedies. Apply Aloe Vera on your blackheads twice daily. Aloe Vera gel can be used directly from the Aloe Vera plant or you can use one of the many stores or market Aloe Vera Gel. It is very effective for all types of skin problems including blackheads, whiteheads, acne, pimples, insect bites, and scars. Aloe is a natural treatment and is safe to use several times a day.

Oatmeal and Yogurt

Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 3 tablespoons of yogurt add a tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil. Mix well and apply, leave for about 5 minutes, and wash with cold water.


It is best not to try to pop or squeeze out blackheads as this can lead to scarring, sores, and even infections. Facial scrubs and packs are a much better option as not only will they help to remove the blackheads, but also they are excellent for the rest of your face.