What Causes Acne on Chin and Cheeks? 09 Best Home Cures

What Causes Acne on Chin and Cheeks?

| Reasons | Prevention Tips | Treatment At Home |


What causes acne on chin and cheeks? Everyone, who suffers from this problem, wants to know what causes acne on chin and cheeks? Chin and cheeks acne can be embarrassing and painful, apart from being unsightly, right up there at the ‘front’ of your face. It is particularly difficult if the acne or pimples release pus or leave scars and they can be painful as well. This article will completely answer of your question what causes acne on chin and cheeks?

What Causes Acne on Chin and Cheeks?


There can be many answers for what causes acne on chin and cheeks? Below are the main answers for what causes acne on chin and cheeks.


The application of makeup is the first answer to what causes acne on chin and cheeks. Makeup can be one of the reasons why you have acne on your chin and cheeks, if you spotted one breakout and decided to cover it up with a little bit of makeup application, only to realize the problem got worst. The makeup could actually be blocking the skin pores on your chin and cheeks, causing breakouts and bumps to occur.

Touching Face

Touching your face skin is the second main answer to what causes acne on chin and cheeks. Touching your face is another cause of chin and cheeks acne. Have you ever counted how often you touch your facial skin daily? You’re probably doing it right now while you’re reading this blog. You do it when you get bored, or when you’re deep in thinking about something. Each time you touch your chin and cheeks skin with your hands, you are transferring quite a number of germs and dirt which end up clogging your pores, results in acne.


Changes in hormones are also one of the main answers to what causes acne on chin and cheeks. Hormones can also be a cause of chin and cheeks acne. This is especially the case with most females facing. Fluctuating levels of hormones cause sebaceous glands in the skin to over-produce skin oil. If the sebaceous glands produce excessive skin oil, it can clog the skin pores.


Friction is also can be the answer to what causes acne on chin and cheeks. Friction is also another main cause of chin and cheeks acne. Acne caused by friction is called acne mechanica and can be caused by using tight helmets, holding violins. The cause for this is the skin is roughened up a lot, and the combination of the heat and lack of air circulation causes acne production.


long hairs can also be the answer to what causes acne on chin and cheeks. If your hair reaches your chin and cheeks and you rarely tie-up, it could be the reason as to why you have acne on your chin and cheeks. If your twirl your hair or coil around your finger and rest it against your face, you are unknowingly transferring hair’s oil to your face skin.

Acne on Chin and Cheeks Prevention

when you have come to know what causes acne on chin and cheeks? you must follow some tips to Prevent acne on chin and cheeks.


Avoid Oil-Based Products

Avoid products that are oil-based. Since acne forms as a result of your skin producing too much oil, it makes sense that you would want to stay away from oily products. In addition, if you wear makeup or use any other sorts of products on your skin, be sure you purchase products that don’t clog your pores. The last thing you want to do is continue using products that only enhance the problem.

Keep Your Face Clean

You should do your best to keep your skin as clean as possible. This means that ideally two times a day, you will wash your face with mild soap using gentle motions. You don’t want to wash too aggressively or use soap or cleansers that are too strong as this might aggravate the condition, making things even worse. The same applies when drying your face also and it might even be a good idea to pat it dry rather than rubbing your face with a towel.

Do Not Pick It

You should never try to pick at your acne or pop your pimples. Doing so might have the short-term effect of making the pimple less pronounced, but in the long run, it will only help spread acne to other areas of your face or body.

Minimize Rubbing on Your Face

If you play physical games or are involved in an activity that requires you to wear equipment that rubs against your face, you should try to minimize the amount of rubbing on the acne spotted area, since this can aggravate the problem.

Avoid Areas With Airborne Grease


Airborne grease such as what you typically find in fast food restaurants can cause problems for some people. The excess grease can remain in the air, end up on your face, and have the same effect as the excess oil your skin is already producing. This is not to say that you should avoid fast-food restaurants (other than the obvious reasons that don’t apply to acne) but this is something you should be aware of and keep in mind if you happen to work in such an environment.

Regular exercise


The importance of regular exercise in treating acne on chin and cheeks really cannot be overemphasized. Remember that in the absence of adequate exercise, blood flow to various parts of the body gets adversely affected, ultimately leading to acne on chin and cheeks.

This can easily be avoided by ensuring regular exercise, which in turn can not only prevent acne but also ultimately lead to good health and well being overall.

Proper rest and relaxation


Just as it is important to exercise regularly, maintain a proper diet as well as to ensure regular and thorough cleansing of acne-affected areas, it is also important to have adequate rest and relaxation. Remember that stress plays a major role in triggering acne on chin and cheeks.


Home Remedies for Acne on Chin and Cheeks Treatment



Just get a cucumber and blitz it in your blender until it becomes like a paste. Pour out the cucumber paste into a bowl and then apply the mixture to the chin and cheeks acne. Leave it to leave for 30 mins, rinse off the mixture, and let its natural chin and cheeks acne prevention properties get to work.

Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant is also a great item to have in your armory when it comes to battling chin and cheeks acne. Just take the gel from the plant and apply it to the acne affected area of chin and cheeks.

Egg White

The method involves applying the egg white to the chin and cheeks acne for about 20 minutes. It seems a little wild but trying it for a day or two and see if you get the results others have.

Fruit& Vegetables

All the goodness and nutrients in vegetables and fruit help your skin stay lively and clear of chin and cheeks acne. Mix an apple, cucumber, and some yogurt in a blender and then apply this straight onto the chin and cheeks acne. Leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.


Get a garlic bulb, peel it and rub the garlic onto the chin and cheeks acne, it may not be the most pleasant of smells or cures but is known widely to be a great alleviator of chin and cheeks acne problems and pimples.

Carrot Juice


Another of the top chin and cheeks acne home remedies that work is to use carrot juice topically although you can eat carrots too as they are a great source of vitamin A – which helps to improve skin texture. In order to use, extract the juice of carrots (using a juicer preferably) and add one teaspoon of sea salt into the carrot juice. A very small amount of sea salt is generally required to be added to the amount of juice you use for chin and cheeks acne.

After making this mixture, rub it gently on your face paying attention to the acne affected areas. Be gentle to use because of the salt which helps to exfoliate the skin. Leave this mixture on your skin until it dry and wash off with water. Use twice weekly or a couple of times a week.

Baking soda


Baking soda is a great at-home gentle exfoliator for the skin and it is also a great facial mask for chin and cheeks acne-prone skin because it helps to remove excess skin oil from the surface of the skin. Take enough baking soda to cover your chin and cheeks affected skin and add enough water to make a paste. Apply to acne infected area and gently rub it in circular motions and wash off to get soft smooth skin.



Tomatoes are another excellent home remedy to treat chin and cheeks acne. Cut a tomato and place the pulpy part directly on the blemishes. Tomatoes help the skin shed dead skin cells so that dead skin cells do not become trapped in the pores and when combined with excess oil and bacteria can cause or worsen acne on chin and cheeks. This remedy can also help to fade acne scars on chin and cheeks by hastening skin exfoliation.



Only use plain natural yogurt and none of the low-fat yogurt and so forth. Simply take some plain yogurt and apply to your chin and cheeks acne affected area and leave to dry. After this yogurt face mask dried, simply wash it off with plain water. Yogurt also has some mild bleaching properties which can help to reduce hyperpigmentation from chin and cheeks acne scars.