Hair Loss Treatment At Home Remedy – 09 Best Methods To Stop Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatment At Home Remedy


| Causing Factors | Prevention Tips | Home Remedies |


Are you concerned about hair loss treatment at home remedy? There are many different home remedy hair loss treatments out there. Some of these home remedies are true and can help you, others, however, are just simply myths and will do nothing for you. There are several effective natural remedies for hair loss. In fact, many of them date back centuries to cultures across the world.

Hair Loss Causing Factors

Imbalanced diet

If you’re not eating the right food regularly, your body cannot work properly.

Nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are very important and essential for healthy hair growth and help to prevent hair loss. If you find out that you are not eating enough nutrients, then try supplementing your diet with Zinc, Vitamin Bs, and Biotin. A secret hair loss treatment at home remedy and for healthy and strong hairs is drinking a half a litre of lettuce, spinach, carrot, and alfalfa juice in equal proportions daily. This mixture is totally natural and very effective as a natural supplement, hair loss treatment at home remedy.


Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss in many cases. The best remedy is meditation. This will help maintain the hormone level in your body effectively. Nettle root is a miracle hair loss treatment at home remedy. This natural ingredient stops the production of chemicals such as DHT, a major cause of hair loss due to hormone changes. Believe it or not, nettle root may not only prevent hair falling, but may actually regenerate hair growth as well!

Poor Hygiene

It’s easy! Just keep your hair clean. Wash it regularly and stimulate the scalp with cold water. Rub scalp with garlic mash, ginger or onion juice, this will also stimulate the sebaceous glands and promote hair growth naturally. Never mix the three!

Hereditary factor

Sometimes we cannot help it; it’s in our genes. This does not mean we are at a standstill! By using effective tonics such as Alma oil boiled in coconut oil as well as Alma juice mixed with the same amount of lime juice, the best natural and safe substitute for shampoo, you will promote hair growth and stop hair loss effectively. This is probably one of the best and effective hair loss treatment at home remedy.

Hair Loss Prevention Tips

Here’s a quick list of some tips for hair loss prevention you can try now:


Increase the calcium in your diet. Most people don’t get enough calcium, and we all already know that it’s important for keeping our bones strong and healthy. It’s good for your hair too. Calcium is essential for keeping the hair follicles strong and resilient. It would help if you started eating more dairy products or start taking supplements regularly.

Avoid Extra Hair Washing

Wash your hairless. Most of us probably grow up in a household where they’re told to wash their hair daily. You don’t really need to. If you have a job that makes your body sweat all day, every day, rather you only need to wash your hair once or twice a week. This can go a long way towards keeping the hair you have strong. When hair becomes dried out, it gets brittle and can break easily.

Scalp Massage

Massage your scalp. Keeping the blood flowing to your scalp can help to keep your hair healthier and stronger. You can always do this yourself, but it’s also nice to trade the favor of a massage with your partner. Be careful when you’re massaging around the temple area as you don’t need to apply too much power there.

Proper Rest

Relax more. Do you know that many people face hair loss problems because they’re so stressed? Hair can become rough and dry because of stress. Sometimes it’s very important to simplify your life and control stress. Stress is really damaging to a person’s body in many ways, so it’s always good to find an outlet that will help you reduce it. Some suggestions are to meditate, exercise more, or journal your thoughts. These can all be really helpful.

Hair Care

A big part of keeping your hair is taking better care of it. By doing these few, simple things, you can help your hair stay healthier and encourage the growth of new hair too. Before you know it, you won’t feel nearly as self-conscious about your hair loss.

Hair Loss Treatment At Home Remedy – 09 Best Methods


Hair Massage

Hair massaging is the best hair loss treatment at home remedy. Massage the hair with lukewarm water every week. Make sure to massage the scalp as well. For better results, mix the warm water with either coconut or olive oil and then apply to hair and scalp. Spend about 15 to 20 minutes massaging these areas to ensure that the oil gets absorbed well.


The use of egg is a very trusted hair loss treatment at home remedy. Whipped eggs mixed with henna powder and curd also helps prevent hair fall. Shampoo this mixture to the hair and leave it for at least 3 minutes. Repeat this process once a week, and you would notice lesser and lesser hair fall in a few weeks.

Onion and Honey

Onion and honey mixture is a very famous hair loss treatment at home remedy. Mix ground onion with honey, and then apply onto the bald area. Rub it for better absorption and leave for 5 minutes before washing off.

Oil Massage

Another helpful hair loss treatment at home remedy is the oil massage. Massage oil can be obtained by boiling fenugreek seeds with coconut or olive oil. Strain the liquid and use it to massage onto the hair and scalp.

Aloe Vera

The use of aloe vera is one of the most effective organic hair loss treatments at home remedy. Aloe vera helps to maintain the ph level of the scalp, and nourish follicles. Apply fresh or store aloe vera gel directly over your scalp. You can also use aloe vera shampoo and conditioner as hair loss treatment at home remedy.


Rosemary’s really a powerful natural ingredient in natural hair growth. This is my favorite hair loss treatment at home remedy. Buy a pack of fresh rosemary, then warm some olive oil in a pan, and add the rosemary to it. Deep-fry until the rosemary becomes crispy and strains of the leaves. Use this mixture to rinse your hair after shampooing.

Vitamin E

Application of vitamin E oil is a very effective hair loss treatment at home remedy. Pour a few drops of vitamin E oil into your palms and give your scalp a nice massage. This will stimulate blood flow and improves circulation. I would recommend you to do this daily.

Egg Yolk

Use of egg yolk is a very trusted hair loss treatment at home remedy. Egg yolks are full of vitamin E, A, and some of the B vitamins – all of them useful to treat hair loss. Use two to four eggs, depending on your hair length. Put the egg yolks in a bowl and mix well. You can also add some drops of fresh lemon juice. After shampooing, apply this mixture on hairs, cover head with a plastic cup, and let it leave for 30-40 minutes. Use of Eggs is a safe hair loss treatment at home remedy. The only problem is that you might not like their smell.


Combined with rosemary, it’s a really effective organic hair loss treatment at home remedy, and it helps promote hair growth. Boil the two herbs together. Then you can use this solution to rinse your hair after shampooing. It can also be applied before shampooing.