Cheeks Breaking Out Acne – 07 Common Types And How To Treat

Cheeks Breaking Out Acne


| Causes | Prevention | Types and Treatment |



One of the most common skin problems is Cheeks breaking out acne. Cheeks breaking out acne is common, in fact, a predominant skin disorder that affects all nations, races, and genders regardless of their backgrounds, location, or environmental conditions. The resulting impact is even more troublesome.

Causes of Cheeks Breaking Out Acne

Hormonal imbalance

Hormones in the body are considered to be one of the root causes of Cheeks breaking out acne. Skin blemishes, bumps, and pimples usually accompany this kind of rash and can be categorized as blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts. Bumps occur when the oil break in the canal that carries it. Bumps form when bacteria get in the skin and the puss is the white blood cells fighting the bacteria.

Oily Skin

Yet another cause is the overproduction of oil from your sebaceous glands and lack of vitamins. Cheeks breaking out acne manifests when your body overproduces fatty acids known as sebum. It is also the most embarrassing and most painful type of Cheeks breaking out acne.


A misguided statement about the causes of Cheeks breaking out acne is that blackheads are caused by dirt. It is actually the toxin build-up in the body and clogged pores caused by excessive oil and dead skin cells that causes this skin condition, with the bacterium on and under the skin.


Stress is also attributed to bringing about this condition. Cheeks breaking out acne causes painful pus-filled bumps, called nodules, which are deeply embedded beneath the skin’s surface and if not treated, will leave scar marks on the skin.

How To Prevent Cheeks Breaking Out Acne

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get rid of Cheeks breaking out acne and restore your self-confidence. Here are some tips:

Facial Hygiene

It is important to keep your face clean to avoid build-up of dirt that can infect or cause Cheeks breaking out acne on your face. Keep your hair away from your face because the dirt from your hair can aggravate your condition. Use hypoallergenic facial wash to keep your face clean and get rid of Cheeks breaking out acne.

Oily Skin Treatment

Treat your oily skin. One of the causes of Cheeks breaking out acne is oily skin. It is important to find a treatment that will help to get rid of your oily skin. Ask your doctor about the best medication, creams, or cleansers that will get rid of oily skin. Getting rid of oily skin will help you get rid of Cheeks breaking out acne.

Solve Stress Factors

Manage your stress. Stress can affect us in so many ways. It can cause health and skin problems like Cheeks breaking out acne. Get enough sleep and rest to get rid of Cheeks breaking out acne.


Get Well balanced diet in a routine. Nutrients deficiency can cause skin problems like Cheeks breaking out acne and pimples. To get rid of Cheeks breaking out acne , you have to get the nutrients needed for healthy skin. Eat a well-balanced diet and avoid unhealthy foods like junk foods. Drink plenty of water for healthy skin.

07 Common Type of Cheeks Breaking Out Acne And Treatment


1. Big pimples

This type of acne Cheeks breaking out acne usually appears in a random area of your face. Sometimes, it appears on your cheek. Generally, the appearance of big pimples will be scary and surprising for most people. Mostly it is big, red, painful, and ugly to see.

How to handle it:

This Cheeks breaking out acne can usually be handled by letting the natural process of healing in your skin to take place. Do not touch your Cheeks breaking out acne with your hand. Let it become bigger and it will actually produce whitehead or puss and when it happens, you will know for sure that it will become smaller naturally. Please note that you need to change your diet into a healthy diet in order to boost the healing process.

2. Small zits

Small zits are common for many teenagers. The appearance is small and not so disturbing. This type of Cheeks breaking out acne is one of the most harmless types of acne you can have. Usually, you will have it during your teenage years. But, be aware that if you have sensitive skin and are in a constant feeling of stress, small zits can become the dreaded Cheeks breaking out acne.

How to handle it:

Just apply natural homemade remedies such as aloe vera juice to your Cheeks breaking out acne symptom regularly and let it heal itself. Also, you can use honey as your natural homemade remedy to boost the healing process.

3. Breakouts

It is the sudden appearance of Cheeks breaking out acne, and it is the most dreaded Cheeks breaking out acne type of all. Why? That’s because you can’t predict it, and it will just appear all over your face. In your chin, in your cheek, in your forehead. Your face will be covered with acne. If you can’t control this, you will eventually get what is called severe and persistent cheeks breaking out acne. So, be aware.

How to handle it:

The way to handle Cheeks breaking out acne is to stay away from any kind of junk food immediately. Then, you need to do a fast for a day in order to clean your digestive system. Drink water often after that. Once you feel better with your skin, you can start eating fruits and vegetables to help you recover from your condition.

4. Irritation and inflammation

You will not see any pimples at this stage yet. But, you will see that your skin is becoming red and irritated, especially under the sunlight. You will feel an itchy sensation around your cheeks skin, and if you keep experiencing this, you may possibly get a kind of acne breakouts later in this area.

How to handle it:

At this stage, what you can do is really simple. Just sleep a lot more. You definitely need more rest because, in this way, your body can re-adjust your skin condition and neutralize the oddities.

5. Dark bumps

This type of cheeks breaking out acne is dark in color. The main cause for this type of cheeks breaking out acne is stress. Do you feel stressed, I mean, really stressful with your life? Chances are you will get this type of acne instead of the red one. It will not feel painful, but dark bumps on cheeks can make your face look really ugly.

How to handle it:

Relax your body more because you need this relaxation most. Your skin needs more relaxation, more happiness on your mind. Try not to be stressed and be happy with your life. Try to smile and laugh often, and this type of acne will usually go away by itself.

6. Whiteheads and blackheads

It might not cause any inflammation on your skin, but you will feel that there are some “little stones” that are stuck between your pores. That’s what is called whiteheads and blackheads. If you feel any painful sensation when you touch it, then chances are you’re going to have a big pimple in that area. So, be aware.

How to handle it:

You can carefully pop out your whiteheads and blackheads with your hands. But, be careful not to cause a further reaction on your skin, as it can potentially cause big pimples to emerge. The best time to do it is after you’ve done taking a bath when your skin is still soft and smooth. And don’t forget to clean your hands before you do that.

7. Severe and persistent acne

This last type of cheeks breaking out acne symptom is the most dangerous one. It is the combination of all the symptoms above, plus the long-term suffering that you are going to experience. Once you’ve eliminated this acne, it will leave bad scars and bumps on your skin. But, of course, it is always curable, only that it will need more time to cure. If you don’t take any necessary action to cure this type of cheeks breaking out acne , you will possibly suffer from this dreadful skin condition on your whole cheek.

How to handle it:

The only known way to effectively cure this cheeks breaking out acne once and for all is to use the holistic acne treatment system.