Body Acne During Pregnancy – 5 Most Common Body Changes in Pregnancy

Body Acne During Pregnancy


| Body Changes During Pregnancy |
|Body Acne During Pregnancy Reasons |
Acne Prevention During Pregnancy |

Are you concerned about body acne during pregnancy? In pregnancy women face many skin problem, body acne during pregnancy is one of them. Women most likely to experience body acne during pregnancy in first trimester because that’s the time when hormones are raging and body’s oil production is increasing. During pregnancy, these hormonal changes tend to encourage the extra production of natural oils which can clog the pores of the skin, causing body acne during pregnancy.

Body Changes During Pregnancy


1) Growth of Feet

Women mostly have swollen ankles and feet and sometimes they can lead to permanent growth of the lower limbs during pregnancy. This is mostly shown during the post pregnancy stage. This is mainly caused by the hormone called relaxin which helps to loosen up the ligaments within the pelvis so that the baby comes out easily. The hormones leaves a lasting impact on the feet joints thus causing them to overtly flatten and become longer or wider in size. However, in some cases, this effect can also be temporary and the feet may regain its earlier size after delivery.

2) Stomach Problems

Stomach issues are a very common during the pregnancy period. The increased secretions of progesterone can slow down the passage time of food materials from the stomach to the intestines that can easily give rise to constipation. Prenatal vitamins increase the body’s water absorption capacity which can often make it difficult for the stool to conveniently pass through gastrointestinal tract. The iron components in vitamins can often give constipation issue, which is why doctors generally advise women to take plenty of water and fibers during pregnancy.

3) Skin Issues

Pregnancy can give rise to plenty of skin issues such as sun sensitivity and acne or pimples on body. In many places of the body such as on the nipples, linea nigra and on the face there is also noticeable darkening of skin. There are also over-growths of skin in various parts of the body like underarms, necklines as well as around the breasts. It is therefore advice for a pregnant woman to use a good sunscreen at this stage which can offer protection to sensitive skin also.

4) Dental Problems

Sensitive teeth are a common early pregnancy issue that is experienced by many women. The increase in blood flow and hormones like estrogen and progesterone can cause swelling of the gums. The gums can swell and engorge due to the excess amount of blood which can ultimately lead to bleeding during flossing or brushing. If the dental problems get aggravated, it can lead to conditions like gingivitis, periodontitis and inflammation of gums. Severe periodontitis can also be a symptom indicating higher propensity for preterm labor and low birth weight for the baby.

5) Swelling of the Nose

The nose might get swollen during the pregnancy period along with other issues like bloody noses and congestion. Moreover, swelling of the inner linings of the nose can reduce the area available for air circulation which can lead to snoring. The nose can also become dry during pregnancy mostly in winter season.

Body Acne During Pregnancy Reasons


Hormonal Changes

There are two main reasons behind this sudden breakout of acne and pimples. One of the major is the hormonal changes a woman goes through during pregnancy. The body produce progesterone hormones during pregnancy that activate the sebaceous glands. As a result, an oily substance known as sebum is produced that leads to pimples and body acne during pregnancy. Another re ason of body acne is the body starts retaining more fluid during pregnancy. This fluid contains toxins that again lead to acne.

Changes in Hydration

While you are pregnant, hydration will be tough to keep up with. Remember to drink more water (6 – 8 glasses a day). This will help to dilute out secretions to cure acne and contribute to the relaxation of the uterus and help with the constipation.

It is a common to have body acne during pregnancy. It does not matter whether you had acne or not previously. So far, there is no way to prevent it from developing during pregnancy. But you need not worry as your skin will probably clear up and return to its natural with time.

Body Acne During Pregnancy Prevention Tips


Avoid Acne Medications

Do not use acne medications that require you to ingest any chemicals to treat body acne during pregnancy. Foreign chemicals in the body is always a risk, and this is magnified when you are pregnant. Avoid any chemicals that have a bitter taste, because this is a physiological response that could mean the ingredient could be harmful to your body. Bottom line is anything that might harm you could harm your baby.

Avoid Sunlight

Avoid direct sunlight if you want to prevent body acne during pregnancy. Some people advocate exposure to sunlight to cure acne. I don’t know where this myth came from, but to my knowledge there is no scientific evidence to prove it. In addition, is curing acne really worth the possibility of skin cancer? I don’t think so. Please avoid sunlight in your quest for acne cures.

Skin Hygiene

Clean skin is very important to prevent body acne during pregnancy. Always make it a point to clean the face and neck. Do it by using gentle soap or cleanser with lukewarm water. Apply moisturizer every after. An effective moisturizer seals in moisture and keeps the skin looking radiant and healthy. Take note that clogged pores are breeding grounds for body acne during pregnancy. Making sure that the skin pores are clean will prevent acne from appearing during pregnancy period.


Water is, with no surprise, one of the major CURES for body acne during pregnancy! One reason that you may be getting acne is because while you are pregnant, your body is in real need to retain water for holding your baby. When you do not drink enough water, your body retains excess water because it thinks it will not get more of it. Further, your skin reacts and develops acne.

Your solution is to drink 8 to 10 glasses a day, every day! You can start by 1 glass, adding another every passing day until you reach 8.

Raw Vegetables

Vegetables are the most important foods for the prevention of body acne during pregnancy. You need to nourish your skin and allow it to shine with that beautiful pregnant glow by eating fresh vegetables. Make sure you make vegetables 20% of each meal.

Raw Fruits

Of course, don’t forget those delicious fresh fruits if you want to prevent body acne during pregnancy. Eat especially apples as they are rich in antioxidants that directly affect the clearing of your skin.

Exercise More

Physical exercise plays an important role to prevent body acne during pregnancy as it helps removing toxins from the body by breathing in fresh oxygenated air. The pores also get cleaned by moderate sweating. This keeps skin healthy and prevents further spread of acne. Lungs and heart get oxygen adequately and the kidney, liver and bowels will perform better and throw toxins out much faster. Do take a shower after exercise to get rid of sweat and grime that may also cause acne.

Avoid Stress

Try to avoid stressful situations and major changes in your diet. While these do not cause body acne during pregnancy, they may contribute to it being worse.

Avoid Chemical Skin Care Products

Pregnant women usually use face wash for their acne problem; face wash contains a substance called glycolic acid, which is highly efficient in regulating your hormonal imbalances and it does not harm you or your baby. However, some say that it could have negative effects, so you should probably ask your doctor before using a face wash that contains this ingredient. Your doctor should be able to tell you which products are safe for you to use and which could affect you or your baby.

Don’t Be Panic

Usually, acne disappears a few weeks after the baby is born, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it. A while after pregnancy, hormone levels return to normal and any negative effects they might have had over your body could disappear then.