Acne Keloidalis Nuchae – Causes, Prevention, 05 Home Cures

Acne Keloidalis Nuchae

Overview | Causes | Symptoms | Prevention | Tips |
| Remedies |



Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN), also termed as razor bumps, is a type of papule that usually appears on the neck or beard area. Improper facial and body hair removal is the common cause of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae.
Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is very irritating, When you suffer from this acne, finding a cure can become a top priority in your life.

Causes of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae


Shaving is the most common method for removing hairs. After a few days of shaving, you might notice some reddening and itching bumps on the shaved area. Shaving makes the ends of the hairs to be really sharp. Sharp enough hair ends cause skin irritation and damage. When hair grows and curves back to the root, it can hit the skin and cause this Acne, which is also a type of skin inflammation.

It breeds when hair tries to grow back and meet some foreign elements like dirt. If this type of Acne is not treated immediately, this can lead to harder bumps that usually appear in the beard and neck area.


Symptoms of Acne Keloidalis Nuchae


This acne begins with small, itchy bumps around the back of the neck and the bottom line of the beard along the hairline. As time goes on, these itchy bumps become scars, and the hair in and around bumps falls off. These scars eventually enlarge and look like keloids. These are tough, raised scars.




The best way to prevent Acne Keloidalis Nuchae is to simply avoid regular shaving. You can not do this without following some pre-shaving regimen. You can soften your hair by using a washcloth drenched in hot water for five minutes. Preshave products like shaving cream, foam, or gel can also help the skin prepare for shaving.

Tips For Acne Keloidalis Nuchae


When shaving, stroke in only one direction. Avoid stretching your skin. Do not apply multiple strokes while shaving in the same area. Try to Use an electric shaver rather than a razor. Try not to shave too deep to the surface of your skin. If you are used to shaving daily, try to change your shaving schedule to at least three or four times a week.


Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Home Remedies



Vitamin E Oil For Acne Keloidalis Nuchae


The first thing that many people try is the use of vitamin E oil in the infected area. Vitamin E is has proven uses when it comes to healing scars. Vitamin E can make skin that is stiff with scar tissue more flexible and more pliable, and it can bring down the bumps of hyper-tropic scarring. It is most effective if the scarring itself and if the area can be kept clean, as when the hair is short or shave off entirely.

Tea Tree Oil For Acne Keloidalis Nuchae


Tea tree oil can fight bacteria and promote new tissue growth. Tea Tree Oil has natural cicatrizant properties, meaning that it may support tissue development.



beeswax which can cell turnover and reconstruction due to its vitamin A content. Vitamin A has properties to condition skin and supports cell reconstruction.

Peppermint Oil


Peppermint Oil for soreness and itchiness. Peppermint Oil has been used for centuries to naturally relieve skin soreness, discomfort, and itch.


Jojoba Oil


Jojoba oil for soothing damaged skin. Jojoba Oil is one of the world’s most nutrient-rich and long-lasting moisturizers. The unique quality of jojoba oil allows Terrasil to penetrate deeply to quickly deliver treatment to every skin layer. It also has strong properties that soothe the skin, as well as the ability to repair cracked skin.