What Causes Chin Acne in Adults? 12 Best Remedies to Treat

What Causes Chin Acne in Adults?


| Causes | Prevention Tips | 12 Home Remedies |


Do you want to know what causes chin acne in adults? Chin acne is normal acne except that it occurs on the chin. It does have the tendency to be more annoying than any other kind of skin problem and it also occurs on a part of the face that anyone can see. Before you can learn and understand how to treat chin acne, it is important to know what causes chin acne in adults?

What Causes Chin Acne in Adults?

Below are the answers to what causes chin acne in adults?

Makeup Products

If your question is what causes chin acne in adults? Makeup can be one of the first answers to why you have acne on your chin, if you spotted one breakout and decided to cover it up with a little bit of makeup, only to realize the problem got worse. The makeup you wear could actually be blocking the skin pores on your chin, causing breakouts and bumps to occur.


The 2nd answer to what causes chin acne in adults is skin touching. Touching your face skin is another reason for chin acne. Have you ever wondered, how often you touch your face especially chin? You’re probably doing it right now while you’re reading this article. You do it when you’re bored, or when you’re deep in thought about something. Each time you touch your chin with your hands, you are transferring quite a number of germs and dirt which end up clogging your pores, which results in acne.

Hormones imbalance

One of the most relevant answers to what causes chin acne in adults is hormonal changes. Hormones can also be a cause of chin acne. This is especially the case with most women. Fluctuating levels of estrogen cause sebaceous glands in the skin to over-produce sebum. If the sebaceous glands produce excessive oil, it can cause a build-up and clog the pores.


Effects of friction are also the answer to what causes chin acne in adults? Friction is also another cause of chin acne in adults. In this case acne on the chin caused by friction is called acne mechanica and can be caused by wearing tight helmets, holding violins. The cause for this problem is that the skin is roughened up a lot, and the combination of the heat and lack of air circulation causes the skin pores to clog up.

Long Hairs

Long hair is another culprit in causing chin acne. If your hair reaches past your chin and you rarely tie it up, it could be the reason as to why you have acne on your chin. If your twirl your hair or coil it around your finger and rest it against your face, you are unknowingly transferring your hair’s oils to your face.

Chin Acne in Adults Prevention Tips


When you have come to know what causes chin acne in adults? here are some tips to prevent chin acne in adults.

Drink plenty of water

This will help your body flush out the toxins.

Eat a healthy balanced diet

Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet and follow the same routine for your diet.

Exercise regularly.

This will help not only in improving the overall body circulation, but it will also help to reduce any stress.

Face Washing

Wash your face two times a day using an antibacterial cleanser. Washing your face more than two times in a day will only dry the skin and will not be much helpful for being acne clear.

Exfoliate your skin regularly

Skin Exfoliation will help in removing any dead cells which can cause chin acne in adults.

Avoid Touching

 Avoid touching the pimple as this can cause scars. Moreover touching it consistently will just spread the bacteria to other parts of your face, thereby worsening it.

 Consult a dermatologist if the condition worsens.

Home Remedies For Chin Acne in Adults



Make a fine paste of cinnamon powder and honey by adding 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply it to the acne on the chin before sleeping and wash it the next morning with warm water. Repeat this remedy for two weeks to permanently get rid of chin acne.


Tomato can also be used for the treatment of chin acne, blackheads and to open the pores of the skin. Cut the tomato and rub it on the skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes. Wash it off with water. This will reduce open pores and blackheads. This treatment is very effective, particularly for oily skin.

Lemon Juice

Mix an equal amount of lemon juice and rose water and apply with a cotton ball, leave for half an hour and wash. Repeat for 07 days.
Constantly use of this remedy will not only help to get rid of acne and pimples on the chin, but it also has the effect of lightening the skin blemishes.


Mix one tablespoon yogurt with fuller’s earth and apply. The yogurt itself can be applied on the chin acne. It helps to soften the skin and restores the natural skin texture.

Aloe Vera

This wonder plant is the best at absorbing skin oils. Open a leaf of aloe vera and apply the gel on your face 3 times a day. Let it dry. You can also keep a small amount of aloe vera gel in the refrigerator during the summers for a refreshing face-lift.


Add half teaspoon honey with egg white and one teaspoon fresh lemon juice. Add fuller’s earth or brewer’s yeast powder. Mix into a paste and apply. Remove after 20 minutes with water.

Limes and Cucumbers

Fruits and vegetables refresh our skin thereby reducing the skin oils. To get these benefits, mix 1 teaspoon lime juice with the same amount of fresh cucumber juice. Apply this mixture to your chin acne a few minutes before showering.

Egg Yolk

A quick remedy to remove adult chin acne is the egg. This egg yolk mask removes the extra oils from the skin. Apply the egg yolk with a cotton ball or makeup brush to oily spots and leave this on your face for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

Almonds and Honey

Make a paste of ground almonds with honey and apply as a facial scrub for removing extra oils and dead skin cells. Gently massage this paste on your face with a hot washcloth or wet fingertips. Finally, rinse with cold water.


Make a pulp of raw papaya and apply. Papaya is full of cleansing properties, softening dead skin cells, and aiding their removal.


For a homemade oil-ridding facial, mix 1/2 cup mashed apple, 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, 1 slightly beaten egg white, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice into a smooth paste and apply to your face for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water.


The best way to exfoliate your oily skin is to apply white or apple cedar vinegar using a cotton ball before bedtime. Leave it on your face for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with cold water. Use this home remedy for 3 weeks to get positive changes in your skin.