Types Of Acne On Cheeks – Causes And 07 Best Home Remedies

Types Of Acne On Cheeks


| Cheeks Acne Types | Causes | Home Remedies |



There are many types of acne on cheeks that people may never even heard of and of course, the popular types of acne are Acne vulgaris and Acne rosacea. Other types of acne on cheeks can be more serious and depending on your skin type it could be something that is not that common. Some are caused by reactions to make-up, while others are just washing the face or body constantly and would cause different types of acne on cheeks. These are some types of acne on cheeks.

Types Of Acne On Cheeks

1. Acne Vulgaris

Is one of the most common types of acne on cheeks and generally adolescents to young adult have this condition. Acne Vulgaris is typically whiteheads and blackheads.

2. Acne Rosacea

is one of the second most common types of acne on cheeks among adults and is a chronic disorder affecting facial skin of the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose that may include solid raised lesions, pimples, dilated blood vessels, and redness.

3. Acne Mechanica

This acne is one of the major types of acne on cheeks. This condition is caused by physical trauma such as rubbing, underneath helmets, and chinstraps worn by athletes. Constant sweat and heat can contribute to this. This can be prevented by wearing a clean helmet that keeps moisture off of the skin. For athletes, wash after exercising which will reduce the chance of this happening.

4. Acne fulminans

Acne fulminans is one of the second major types of acne on cheeks. This condition is an acute, but severe type of acne that is accompanied by fever. This is triggered by high levels of testosterone which is by people who legally or illegally have taken muscle enhancing drugs.

5. Acne Detergens

These types of acne on cheeks are caused by sufferers who are compulsive face washers. This type of routine can lead to acne Detergens.

6. Acne Pomade

This type of acne occurs normally in African-Americans who use pomades to eliminate the curl in the hair. The pomade gets transferred from the hair to the hands to the face. This transfer can block the skin’s oil glands and causes breakouts or acne-like lesions.

7. Acne Cystic

Cystic is one of the most severe types of acne on cheeks that which the follicle wall ruptures due to the sebum, this causes an inflamed reaction that may cause scarring.

8. Acne Adult

Adult acne is one of the most popular types of acne on cheeks. In the teenage years, kids are haunted by pimples and blemishes. Not so often it can creep up into adulthood, even with people that did not have a problem in their younger days. It is truly a mystery why these blemishes occur in adults and the main cause for this is related to hormones.

9. Acne Infant

Newborns can fall victim to acne and is not that unusually rare. The hormones cause the sebaceous glands to produce excess skin oil and cause the glands to become blocked. A little inflammation and some whiteheads would be visible and will fade away within three to four months.

Causes of Cheeks Acne

1. Stress

When you are stressed out, the pituitary gland increases your hormone production, which stimulates the adrenal glands. The adrenals, in turn, secrete androgen, and too much androgen can enlarge the oil glands and stimulate excess sebum production, which can clog the pores and cause acne.

2. Bad Cosmetics Choices

Cosmetic acne is caused by oily, pore-clogging ingredients in your makeup, and skincare products. Acne Breakouts on your cheeks may also be caused by sensitivity to G&C red dyes in your blush. Cosmetic acne looks like tiny pimples and shows up most often-but not only on oily skin. If your skin is oily, avoid makeup cosmetics, creams, and cleanser containing heavy oils, which can clog the pores. Use water-based foundation and loose powder rather than pressed. Avoid cream blushes and alcohol-based makeup products, which can over-dry and irritate the skin, and cause the oil glands to overcompensate and produce excess oil.

3. Hormones

Acne is communally caused when raging hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands and they become more active, overproduce sebum. You may be among the 70 to 80 percent of women who experience breakouts two to seven days before menstruation because your sebaceous glands go crazy and your skin becomes oilier. For up to 07 days after your period, your skin can behave erratically-while it regains the proper balance. For the next two weeks, your skin behaves more or less well, until your estrogen levels rise again.

4. Birth Control Pills and Other Medications

Sometimes the medicine can help clear up acne, while other times it can cause acne on cheeks as well as hyperpigmentation. Consult your doctor if you’re having a problem -switching to another type could help. Common cold remedies that contain bromides and iodides can also trigger outbreaks of acne.

Home Remedies For Cheeks Acne

1. Groundnut Oil

To prevent the formation of blackheads and the pimples on cheeks, take 1 tablespoon of groundnut oil and 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice. Mix it and apply it properly on your cheeks acne area.

2. Garlic

Garlic is very helpful in eliminating the cheeks acne effectively as garlic has antibiotic properties that are proven to be safe and effective in the treatment of acne on the cheeks. For the use of garlic on cheeks acne you have to take whole garlic mash it and apply it on your whole face by taking care of your eyes. Leave this application for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with a warm cloth.

3. Lemon Juice

You can add 1 tsp of lemon juice to 1 tsp of cinnamon powder and mix it properly. Apply this mixture on the affected area to reduce the effect of the acne on the cheeks.

4. Orange Peel

Another effective way for treating cheeks acne is the application of an orange peel paste on the area which is affected by the acne. We can make the orange peel paste by grinding the orange peel with water.

5. Papaya

Make a juice by blending raw papaya fruit. It includes the seed and the skin of the fruit. Apply this paste of papaya on cheeks acne-affected skin. It is also an effective remedy to reduce the pimples on the cheeks.

6. Honey and Cinnamon

Make a fine paste by mixing honey with cinnamon powder in a bowl. Apply this paste to your cheeks acne right before sleeping and then wash it the next morning. It is an effective remedy for cheeks acne, so at least try this remedy for two weeks and every night. After its application, you don’t have to worry about acne on the cheeks.


Apply grated potato on the affected area in order to cure pimples. This remedy is very effective for the treatment of all types of acne on cheeks like boils, whiteheads, blackheads, and other skin blemishes.