Small Pimples On Cheeks – 12 Best Methods To Treat

Small Pimples On Cheeks


| A Pimple | Causes | Prevention | Home Treatment |

Are you concerned about small pimples on cheeks? Small pimples on cheeks can be pretty frustrating. Small pimples on cheeks are the most annoying problems among teenagers; thus, you have to take some measures to protect your cheeks from pimples. Many people get frustrated with getting so small pimples on their cheeks skin, especially when they have to go for some important sitting or gathering, or an appointment is about to occur.
In this article, you will learn about small pimples on cheeks causes, prevention, and best home treatment methods.

What is Pimple?

A pimple is a form of acne mainly caused by excessive skin oil(sebum) trapped in the skin pores. Pimples can be treated by a lot of over-the-counter medicines and by various prescriptions from a skin doctor. Multiple small pimples on cheeks formed at once are what is known as acne.

Having small pimples on cheeks is part of growing age. But it does not show that we have no control over the tiny pimples that keep appearing on our cheeks. We can cure it to a certain extent and even prevent it if we are careful about our skin. The tip is to be able to know what triggers our cheeks pimples. If you know why you get small pimples on cheeks, it would be easier to prevent and treat them.

Small Pimples On Cheeks Causes

Factors that cause small pimples on cheeks are noted to have come from different sources. The leading causes include the following:

Sebaceous Glands

The skin glands produce an oily material, which is called sebum. The skin oil keeps the skin shiny, moist, and healthy. The skin oil stays in the skin pores. When the sebum mix with dirt, block the skin pores that result in small pimple outbreaks. When there is a hormonal disturbance, and the sebaceous gland overproduced sebum, small pimples are likely to become evident.

Hereditary Factors

Hormones are usually developed by genetic. Thus, pimples within a family can be transferred to other generations.

Environmental Factors

Over the connection to ultraviolet sun rays, dust, pollution, and high dampness results in the obstruction of the tiny skin pores, which allows the cheeks pimples to grow very fast.


Eating foods full of fat substances, oily, spicy, cream cakes, chocolates, nuts, and sugar generate an overproduction of sebum and create pimples. More others, iodine salts, bromine, and other drugs with these ingredients, also result in pimples production.


Stress factor is another cause of small pimples on cheeks. Both physical and mental stress help release substances and hormones that produce toxins, causing small pimples on cheeks.

Excessive Body Sweat

The excess body sweats after any physical activity that does not obstruct the tiny skin pores, causing the small pimples on cheeks. Also, a greasy cosmetic that clogs the skin pores aggravates small pimples on cheeks.

Specific Age

When one reaches a specific age, or in this case, when a teenager hits adultery, hormonal changes in the body can affect the production of sebum. Skin such as the face, forehead, nose, and cheeks are commonly affected with pimples because most of the skin oil is released. It could also be that when one’s diet is full of greasy foods. The excess of fat in the body is one factor that contributes to small pimples on cheeks presence.


The dirt and dust on your hands may be quickly transmitted on to the face, resulting in infected skin and unwanted small pimples on cheeks.


Popping or squeezing can cause even more small pimples on cheeks to show up on one’s face because the oil and dirt being forced to enter into the skin’s deeper layers once you apply a good amount of pressure on the affected skin.

Small Pimples On Cheeks Prevention Tips

Below are the best tips to prevent small pimples on cheeks.

Don’t Over-wash

You think, The more you wash your face, the cleaner it will be, and you won’t get pimples. Wrong! Remember, dirt isn’t your enemy when it comes to pimples. Too much face washing, and you will usually produce dry skin patches where your healthy skin irritates the small pimples on cheeks prone areas. Another side-effect of over-face washing can be excess sebum production, which may make your small pimples on cheeks worse. Try and make it a habit for just two washes per day – morning and evening time preferably.

Choose your skincare products carefully.

There are many skincare products in the stores for scrubbing and exfoliating, which sounds just the job, but some of these can be too dangerous on the skin. Exfoliating is fine as long as you select a gentle variety with smaller, smoother grains, which will be kinder on your skin but still useful. Products that contain almond or apricot ingredients may look and smell nice but are especially prone to further skin irritation and even skin damage.

Avoid alcohol!

Some skin products contain high levels of isopropyl alcohol (common rubbing alcohol), which you should avoid if at all possible. The reason is that alcohol can take off the top layer of your skin, causing your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. This is a sure-fire way to get more dry skin and exacerbate your small pimples on cheeks problem.

No picking, squeezing, or pinching!

What do most people do when they get small pimples on cheeks? Yes, that’s right – off to the mirror to get rid! By popping, picking, or pinching your small pimples on cheeks, you risk causing permanent scarring. There are ways to remove small pimples on cheeks, but it’s just easier and cheaper not to do it in the first place. Whether you use fingers, nails, pins, etc., you can force bacteria and dirt more in-depth into the skin, causing more significant inflammation and possible infection.

Keep your hands away from your face.

By continually touching or playing with your cheeks skin, you risk driving Mr. Bacteria and Ms. dirt deep into your skin pores where it can do its nasty work and cause small pimples on cheeks. It can be challenging but – hands far off your face!


Prevent small pimples on cheeks by reducing stress factors; studies have determined a direct link between stress and the development of small pimples on cheeks. Stress is not always bad as it protects us by getting us ready to start to fight or flight situations. Reduced stress will help you prevent small pimples on cheeks and maintain a clear complexion as well as overall health.


Prevent small pimples on cheeks by taking a diet that does not promote the development of pimples. Taking the right diet can play an important role in clearing up outbreaks. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and staying away from spicy junk food would be the first steps to take to get healthy and clear skin. Keeping yourself well hydrated and drinking lots of water has numerous benefits, including healthy skin.

Small Pimples On Cheeks Home Treatment Natural Remedies

Below are the best natural and effective home remedies for small pimples on cheeks.

Honey and cinnamon

Honey and cinnamon For Cheeks Small Pimples

Another way to get rid of small pimples on cheeks fast is to mix honey and cinnamon and mix both ingredients to make a paste. The paste should be applied to the small pimples on cheeks, but first, you will have to clean your face thoroughly. It also has a very nice smell, and the results are unbelievable. For the best clean results, it is recommendable to lay a towel over your bedding to prevent spoiling the mixture on your bed due to the turning at night.


Potato For Cheeks Small Pimples

An excellent remedy among the homemade methods to get rid of small pimples on cheeks includes applying potato juice or raw smashed or peeled potato over the face for just about 5 to 10 minutes. Apart from getting rid of pimples, this remedy is also used for getting rid of scarring caused by pimples and blackheads.


Garlic For Cheeks Small Pimples

Among all the tips for treating small pimples on cheeks, the best method is to use garlic juice directly on the small pimples on cheeks for just about 5 to 10 minutes. Garlic juice contains allicin, a strong and powerful antibacterial constituent capable of killing the small pimple-causing bacteria and curing these zits entirely.


Cloves For Cheeks Small Pimples

One of the most effective and highly trusted natural small pimples on cheeks remedies includes cloves. When a paste prepared by mixing roasted cloves powder with yogurt is applied on the small pimples on cheeks and allowed to dry naturally, it forces the small pimples on cheeks to dry out quickly provides immediate relief from the zit. The best thing about this remedy is that it does not leave behind any marks or pimple scar at all.

Groundnut Oil

Groundnut Oil For Small Pimples On Cheeks

the home remedies for small pimples on cheeks treatment involve applying a mixture of equal quantity of groundnut oil and fresh lime juice. Apart from preventing the formation of small pimples on cheeks, this remedy also prevents blackheads’ formation on your facial skin.


Toothpaste For Small Pimples On Cheeks

A practical and simple method of getting rid of cheeks small pimples fast is by using toothpaste. This may sound funny, but many people swear by its effectiveness as a proven, tested way to eliminate small pimples on cheeks. The quickest relief from small pimples on cheeks redness, swelling, pain, and scarring can be obtained from the use of a little toothpaste. Remember, do not use toothpaste with gel in it, as that will not affect you. Plain toothpaste is the only kind of toothpaste that will help you eliminate small pimples on your cheeks fast.

Fresh lime juice

Fresh Lime Juice For Small Pimples On Cheeks

You can also take some fresh lime juice and apply that to the small pimples on the cheeks before you go to sleep at night. You have to cut a single lime, and you need to squeeze the juice out of it. One lime should be sufficient to apply to the small pimples on cheeks, but first, you have to clean your face thoroughly by washing. The lime juice can be applied by using a cotton swab.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil For Cheeks Small Pimples

You could also use lavender oil to get rid of cheeks small pimples fast. As with the fresh lime juice, you should first clean your face thoroughly before applying the lavender oil. Apply the lubricant by using a dab at night before you go to bed. It will give good results in small pimples on your cheeks treatment, but you will also fall asleep sooner because of the pleasant smell.

Orange Peel

Orange Peel For Cheeks Small Pimples

If you want to dispose of small pimples on the cheeks quickly, use orange peel as much as you can. Orange peel is considered to be one of the most effective cures for small pimples on cheeks. You only would require striking the orange peel with water on a small piece of stone and applying it on your small pimples on cheeks skin. You will see some stunning results.


Cucumber For Cheeks Small Pimples

Cucumber is recommended as one of the most excellent cures for small pimples on cheeks. Apply a juice of cucumber on your cheeks areas for 15 minutes each day. You will find some astonishing results. Carry on this practice for one month daily.

Egg White

Egg-White For Cheeks Small Pimples

Break two eggs in a medium-sized pot. Leave separate a yolk of these two eggs, and remain whites of eggs in the pot. Apply it over your small pimples on cheeks skin, leave it for 30 minutes, and then rinse off thoroughly. Your small pimples on the cheeks and redness should see improvement after a few days.

Coriander and Mint Juice

Coriander And Mint Juice For Small Cheeks Pimples

If you want to throw away small pimples on the cheeks, drink ample coriander and mint juice. This will quickly eliminate the toxins from your body and make you fit.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda For Cheeks Small Pimples

Baking soda is a safe and effective remedy for small pimples on cheeks. If you want cheeks small pimples to go away fast:

  1. Mix baking soda one teaspoon with a little amount of water or lemon juice to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply this paste to the small cheeks pimple twice a day.
  3. Leave it there for ten minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. The baking soda solution will instantly dry out the small cheeks pimple.

It is also an excellent treatment for acne scars.