Pimples Marks Home Remedy – Get Results in 03 Days

Pimples Marks Home Remedy


| Pimples | Pimples Causes | Pimples Marks | Home Remedies |


Are you looking for pimples marks home remedy? Pimples marks home remedy is the best solution for pimples scars removal. People mostly use store creams and products for pimples scars removal. These products contain chemical ingredients, which may harm your skin. The use of natural pimples marks home remedy is the best solution for pimples scars removal. When pimples become dry, they left scars behind them. For the removal of these scars, pimples marks home remedy is a very effective and result oriented method.

What are Pimples?

Pimples are a skin condition characterized by inflammation and red lesions on the skin. In some cases, people may have whiteheads or blackheads and others may have pimples. Many people have lived with this condition and have acne scars from the damage it causes on the skin. It is important to know how to get rid of pimples fast to fight the condition and be in control of your skin.

Pimples Causes

Oily Skin

Pimples formed when excess skin oil combines with the dead cells, leading to the formation of a plug within the skin pore and later on form a bump. Whiteheads are good examples of comedos. Whenever the pores are subjected to air at such a time, blackheads tend to develop.


for instance, maybe one of the reasons leading to the development of pimples. Inadequate sleep due to short sleeping hours results in both stress and imbalances in the hormone levels.

Hormonal Changing

When the hormone levels change, the body produces more sebum, making the skin greasy. The excessive production of sebum blocks the skin pores resulting in pimples.

Extra Ordinary Skin Hygiene

when the face is washed more than two or three times a day, it tends to the reduction of skin oil available to the skin. The body, therefore, will produce more oil which only makes the situation w orse. Squeezing, crushing, picking, and popping of pimples must also be avoided. These activities only expose the pimples to more air and infectious bacteria, leading to much worse skin infections.

Pimples Marks

Normally, pimples should not leave a mark once it heals unless you have been tampering with it, causing irritation that can damage your skin which leads to scarring. Do not fret though if you have acne scars as it is easy to remove pimple marks even without the aid of complicated procedures recommended by dermatologists which are, most often than not, too expensive and harmful if not done properly. Most marks eventually disappear on their own without the need for any kind of therapy, but you can also hasten its recovery in natural ways, like using lemon or aloe vera.

Pimples Marks Removal Home Remedies

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 01

The use of Cucumber is very popular when it comes to skincare and it has been a commonly used pimple marks home remedy as it helps tighten the pores of the skin, giving it an even texture. It is also a natural bleach so it can maintain the skin tone. It is a natural moisturizer also, so it can refresh and soften your skin. Just apply cucumber juice directly, using a cotton ball, over pimples marks, or even your entire face and leave it on overnight to wake up to soft, glowing skin.

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 02

Olive oil is also a popular pimples marks home remedy due to its moisturizing property. Massaging olive oil over the pimples marks affected area would soften the skin’s texture as well as reduce the appearance of pimple marks.

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 03

Honey is another natural moisturizing agent and it also has healing properties that have been in use since ancient times by the Egyptians. Also, it contains anti-oxidant properties that can help keep your skin healthy, wrinkle free, feel softer and smoother. Just apply honey over the pimples marks and leave it on overnight, and make sure you cover it with a band-aid.

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 04

The use of lemon juice in pimple marks home remedy is an extremely well-known method that works for most people. Lemon juice is acidic, it helps in dissolving the uppermost layer of skin therefore eliminating scars. It is also a natural bleaching agent, for which it can be used to lighten or reduce the appearance of dark, discolored, blemished spots and marks of pimples. Simply apply freshly squeezed lemon juice on your pimples scars with a cotton ball and rinse after a few minutes.

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 05


The versatile aloe vera has various medicinal properties that can be used in the treatment of acne scars, soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and promote healing of the skin and regeneration of damaged tissue. It can regenerate the skin by providing the necessary building blocks needed to rebuild scarred or damaged skin areas. Break off a leaf of aloe vera from a plant and apply the gel-like liquid to acne pimples to help heal acne faster and without scarring or directly apply it over the scars and rinse after approximately an hour to assist in skin repair.

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 06

One remedy is made of a paste made from cinnamon powder and honey. The paste is most effective if used at night, therefore it should be applied before you go to sleep. Noticeable changes will be witnessed in two weeks or less.

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 07

Another way to get rid of pimples fast is by mixing un-boiled milk with ground nutmeg. These form a thick paste, which is then applied to the skin. One is supposed to leave it in for one to two hours after which the face is rinsed with warm water. It has been tested and proved and within two weeks of its use, people will experience clear skins free of marks. It is recommended that you keep applying the paste until all of the marks have vanished completely.

Pimples Marks Home Remedy 08

Some people have had success in clearing their pimples fast with a mixture of lemon juice and sugar. This is mixed and applied to the face until it dries. It is then washed off with warm water. Use this twice a day and you may be amazed by the speed at which your face becomes spot-free.