How to Lighten Dark Circles Around Eyes? 07 Best Home Remedies

How to Lighten Dark Circles Around Eyes?


| Causes | Prevention | 07 Home Remedies |



Are you searching for how to lighten dark circles around eyes? Dark circles around eyes are the second most complained about the dermatological problem, next to acne. Aside from making you look tired, circles around the eyes can also make you look older, depressed, sick, and stressed. Not to mention that this problem can make you the butt of every joke.

Causes of Dark Eye Circles Around Eyes

If you want to learn how to lighten dark circles around eyes, you must know the causes of dark circles around eyes. Below are the most common causes.

Lack of Sleep

One of the first things that may be causing these dark circles is lack of sleep. Lack of sleep can contribute to these circles forming around the eyes. If you have trouble sleeping, try to work out what might be causing this problem and see if you can work around it. If the circles are from lack of sleep you should notice a reduction in them after you catch up on rest.


Dehydration can also cause these circles. If your under-eye skin is a little rough or cracked in certain places you may find that you may be a little dehydrated. Try to drink more water to help build the water content up in your body. If this is the cause of your darkness it should start to reduce after a little while.


Smoking is one another reason that can cause this darkness around the eyes. If you are a person that smokes constantly, and you are worried about these circles, why not try to cut back on them or quit altogether. This may help reduce the darkness over time.


Allergies are another cause of dark circles around the eyes. There are many different allergies that contribute to this darkness. Food allergies are one of the main culprits. If you find that these circles come shortly after eating then why not look at the food that you have consumed and see if you can eliminate the one that might be causing it. If it is a food allergy, then they should reduce in color after you eliminate the food causing it.


If the condition runs in other members of your family, chances are you will be suffering from them too.

Poor Blood Circulation

A less efficient circulatory system can cause the capillaries underneath your eyes to leak, resulting in the dark under-eye splotches and shadows.

Loss of the skin proteins collagen and elastic

Your body produces less of these proteins, which are vital for skin health and integrity, as you grow older. It’s bad enough that the skin beneath your eyes is very thin to start with. What’s worse is that it becomes even thinner as you age, making the dark capillaries underneath them all the more prominent.

Other Factors

Other things that may contribute to these circles are hereditary, facial structure, aging, skin type, and a few others. If you are having trouble with this darkness, there are concealing lotions and many other things that can treat them. So if you have these circles around your eyes, why not try to find out what is causing them to begin with. This way you will be able to treat them accordingly, which will save you a lot of money.

Tips to Prevent From Dark Eye Circles

How to lighten dark circles around eyes is the question that arises in your mind when you are suffering from under eye dark circles. Here are solutions for how to lighten dark circles around eyes.

1. Don’t rub your eyes

If you are looking for how to lighten dark circles around eyes, you must stop rubbing your eyes. Rubbing your eyes will mess up with the flow of blood in the vessels. Furthermore, rubbing your skin can damage collagen fibers. The eye area has thinner dermis layers.

2. Laugh a Lot

This is a very effective tip for how to lighten dark circles around eyes. Laughing actually loosens up constricted blood vessels. It will help prevent the likelihood of blood leaking that will lead to the appearance of dark circles. Laughing also makes your skin look dewier and more radiant. So stay in the company of people who make you laugh more. Also, try watching happy and funny movies for leisure.

3. Take Bath

If you feel tired after a long day at work, try soaking in warm bathwater. The temperature of your bath water will improve the circulation of blood in your body and will help prevent cellular leaking. While doing this, you can also soak a small towel in the water, wring out the excess and place the damp towel over your face. This will help loosen up constricted blood vessels around the eye area.

4. Concealing the dark circles around eyes through makeup techniques.

5. Avoiding the use of bleach or peels to make the dark circles around eyes light.

6. Treat the cause of the illness mentioned above.

7. Sleep for sufficiently long hours to prevent the formation of dark circles under eyes.

8. Do not scratch the under-eye skin.

9. Healthy Diet, which is enriched in nutrients helps to remove dark circles around eyes.

10. Lightly press the under eye skin with one or two fingers to

 Increase blood circulation.

How to Lighten Dark Circles Around Eyes

The safe, most effective, and trusted answer for how to lighten dark circles around eyes is the use of natural remedies. Natural remedies have no side effects for your skin around the eyes. Below are the best solutions for how to lighten dark circles around eyes.


Mix a small amount of almond powder with fresh milk cream and massage this mixture around your eyes at night before going to bed. This is a useful Home Remedy for Dark Circles under Eyes.


Potato slices can be used to eliminate dark circles around the eyes. Close your eyes and cover your eyelids with a thin slice of potato for up to twenty minutes. This method soothes tired eyes and increases the blood circulation to the skin around the eyes.


You can also apply cucumber juice to the affected area. You could even grate the cucumber, wrap it in a thin cloth and place it over the eyes. Make sure to wash the area thoroughly afterward and apply a little eye cream or coconut oil around the eyes to moisturize. This is also another effective Home Remedy for Dark Circles under Eyes.


Detoxing the body helps in many health and skin problem cases. This includes fasting for short time but continues to take plenty of water. Avoid all the unhealthy foods that are a regular part of your daily diet. Give up taking alcohol, caffeine, sugary drinks, fatty and sugary food, smoking, etc.

Lemon Juice

Dab a little lemon or tomato juice into the affected areas two or three times a day. Be very careful not to let enter the juice into your eyes. This is also a very effective very useful Home Remedy for Dark Circles under Eyes removal.

Tea Bags

Soak some tea bags in clean and cold water for a few minutes, squeeze out the extra water, and place tea bags over your eyes. Keep them on eyes for ten minutes or so.

Vitamin E Capsule

Take some Vitamin E capsules from the market. Break open the capsule carefully and squeeze the gel onto your finger. Gently and carefully, rub the gel around your eyes skin.