| Causes | Prevention | 07 Home Remedies |
Do you want to know how hair loss can be prevented? Hair loss problem is very common in both males and females. Having hair is definitely something everyone is after. Some care for their hair more than anything, while others don’t start noticing it until it is gone. The hair on one’s head is a sign of youth as the perception is if you are losing hair, you are getting old. There is no doubt that it is a lot easier to stop hair from falling out, rather than having it grow back.
Causes of Hair Loss
If you want to know how hair loss can be prevented, you must know the causes of hair loss. There are many causes behind hair loss. So it’s tough to list all of them here. This article will tell you only the major causes which are normally seen. By following these causes you have come to know how hair loss can be prevented?
Hormonal Imbalance
One major cause of hair loss may be the hormonal changes brought on by something like a thyroid disease. Hormonal imbalance like the excess of androgens or estrogens can cause hair loss.
Another big cause of hair loss is genetics being passed on from one generation to the next generation.
Women mostly begin to lose hair a few months after pregnancy due to the imbalance in their hormones. This is usually cured on its own time several months after the hormones return to normal position.
Long Illness
The most common cause of hair loss is a long health issue or a very stressful period of family strife. Stress can cause many problems with your health with one being excessive hair loss.
Different types of fungal infections or degenerative diseases can also cause hair loss. To treat the fungal infections that cause hair loss, you need to purchase an anti-fungal shampoo or lotion.
Poor diet
Lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet also leads to hair loss. Your diet should contain proper nutrients to help your hair grow healthy and keeps them strong.
How Hair Loss Can Be Prevented?
Below are some tips for how hair loss can be prevented.
Analyze Your Diet & Food Intake
I’m sure you realize the importance of eating healthy whether you do it or not. Eating healthier means you’ll feel better and prevent a ton of health risks.
It also means you could end up regrowing hair and getting any of it you’ve lost back. Avoid extreme dieting that robs you of the necessary nutrients your body needs for growth. Your follicles thrive off of having the right nutrients in order to produce more hair.
Practice Scalp Massage Regularly
For some reason or another, many people overlook this simple routine. All you have to do is massage your scalp for 10-15 minutes per day, and you will do a world of wonder for yourself. This stimulates blood flow to all areas of the scalp where it’s needed for your follicles to pull those nutrients and grow.
Control Stress
Hair loss can be prevented by minimizing stress, eating a healthy diet, and using sensible hair care techniques and if possible, switching to medications that do not cause hair loss.
Hair Care
Hair loss can be prevented by keeping hair clean and by never sharing hats, caps, combs, or brushes with other people.
Proper Maintenance
Regular cleaning of the hair and scalp helps to prevent the occurrence of fungal infection, one key cause of hair. Regular conditioning is important to bring back the moisture and natural oil in the hairs and scalp. This promotes balance in the hair follicles and inhibits healthy growth.
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