Cystic Pimple On Cheek – Causes and 14 Best Home Treatments

Cystic Pimple On Cheek


| Causing Factors | Prevention Guide | Home Remedies Treatment |


Do you have a cystic pimple on cheek? One of the most challenging forms of acne that anyone could have is a cystic pimple on cheek. The cystic pimple on cheek is very severe, the roots are very deep, and it is usually the most unsightly of all types of breakouts.

Cystic pimple on cheek that affects the deeper dermal layers can end up in more superficial inflammation than that of the ordinary pimple. This type of pimple breakout is quite painful and can end up in deep scars.

Cystic pimple on cheek can affect any person, any gender, and at any age. Most commonly, women are affected by this. Once the person is affected by a cystic pimple on the cheek, it leaves a permanent mark on the cheek skin.

Causes Of Cystic Pimple On Cheek

There are many factors that can cause a cystic pimple on cheek. Below are some main causes of cystic pimples on the cheek.

Chemical Deposits

The modern anti-aging and wrinkle-free creams have high levels of mercury. The chemical deposits usually cause skin malfunctions that lead to the cystic pimple’s formation on the cheek. Bacteria

Once a pimple appears on your skin, your body goes into fight mode and attacks the bacteria collected to undo the damage. White blood cells fight against the bacteria and create the bump that you see on your cheek skin. Sometimes, these white blood cells can overdo the attack, resulting in a cystic pimple on the cheek.


You might feel tempted to squeeze the cystic pimple on cheek to relieve the pressure and some of the pain you are experiencing, but this probably won’t produce that result. It will worsen the acne and irritate the skin, though, so resist the urge to pop it at all costs.

Harsh Contact

There are many different things out there that can cause cystic pimple on cheek. When something harsh or abrasive is applied to the skin, it can cause this condition. If you are applying an acne treatment to your skin without clean hands, you can irritate the cystic pimple on cheek even more. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching your face.

Poor Diet

A diet that is low in fruit and vegetables, foods with a lot of Vitamin A, can make the condition worse or cause it. Vitamin A has antioxidant properties that aid in the healing of the body. This is why people are often treated with a synthetic form of Vitamin A called a Retinoid that heals many acne types.


High-stress levels have also been known to cause cystic pimple on cheek. There are many different methods to take when you want to decrease your stress levels, from medication to holistic.

Things like Yoga, Pilates, weight lifting, and other such exercises have drastically reduced stress. Thus, reducing your chances of contracting a cystic pimple on cheek.

Cystic Pimple On Cheek Prevention Tips

Below are the best prevention tips for a cystic pimple on cheek:

1. Remove Dirt From Face Skin:

Wash your face regularly to eliminate impurities, excess skin oil, and dead skin cells from the face, either you have acne or not. You should rinse your face skin with lukewarm water and apply a facial cleanser. You should avoid harsh skin care products that can cause irritation and inflammation on the face skin.

2. Avoid Touching:

Keep your hand off by not touching it on cheeks skin. By doing this, will not spread bacteria and irritation of the already inflamed skin. Picking or bursting cystic pimple on cheek with your fingers will result in infection and scarring.

3. Avoid Staying in the Sun:

The ultraviolet sun rays can cause inflammation and cystic pimple on cheek. Even some orally applied acne treatment medicines can increase the exposure of skin sensitivity to Sun. Use sunscreen to reduce the chances of new cystic pimple on cheek forming.

4. Use Mild Moisturizer:

Apply skin moisturizer that reduces dryness and skin peeling. If your skin is more oily, apply gel-based moisturizer. Use moisturizing lotion if your skin is dry. It works best on dry skin.

5. Eat a Balanced Diet:

The improper diet causes damages to the skin. Avoid oily and spicy foods. Eat fresh vegetables, white grains, and fresh fruits. Studies have shown that food that contains vitamins boost the immunity system and helps to promote healthy skin.

6. Eat Sugar and Starchless Food:

Studies have revealed that sugar and starch aid the causes of a cystic pimple on cheek. If you have to eat sugar, use brown sugar.

7. Avoid Makeup:

If you wear makeup, wash it off at the end of the day before you go to bed. If possible, avoid wearing powder or blush. Use makeup products that are oil-free and with no chemicals and dyes. Water-based makeup products are best for use and when buying, read the ingredients list on the product label before applying it on your face.

8. Use Anti-bacterial Agent:

Make use of acne products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Both products contain an anti-bacteria agent with a drying effect and get rid of bacteria. Use a small amount at first, then apply more or reduce the amount you apply depending on your experience’s peeling or dryness. If you have a sensitive skin type, please use these products as recommended by your skin specialist.

9. Watch the Type of Shampoo.

Be careful of the type of shampoo you apply to your hair. Take extra care when using oily, fragrance, and harsh chemicals on your hair because part of these ingredients can drip on your face and block the skin pores, resulting in irritation of the skin. During a cystic pimple on cheek outbreak, oily hair can add to the oil on the face. So wash your hair always.

10. Exercise Regularly:

Regular workout is very important for the body and mind health. It reduces stress and boosts blood circulation all over the body. When exercising, avoid wearing tight cloth or exercise equipment that comes into contact with the skin. This can cause irritation and a cystic pimple on cheek. Always take a shower immediately after exercise. Exercise helps to get rid of the harmful effects of food and stress in the body.

11. Avoid Stress-induced Activities:

Studies have shown that excessive worries and anxieties aggravate cystic pimple on cheek. So, take time to identify your stress reaction and the reason. Look for ways to nip your stress before it increases and cause a cystic pimple on cheek.

Cystic Pimple On Cheek Treatment Home Remedies


Strawberries are not just delicious fruit but also effective remedies against cystic pimple on cheek. Blend for 8 to 10 seconds two fresh strawberries along with the egg-white. This mixture can be applied to the affected skin. Let it leave for half an hour before washing it off.

Strawberry leaves can also be applied. Dip some fresh leaves in hot water for five minutes. Put leaves on the cystic pimple on cheek. Strawberries have properties that decrease the size of the cystic pimple on cheek.


Apricots have anti-inflammatory properties, which make them effective natural remedies against cystic pimple on cheek. Get fresh apricots juice, soak a cotton ball in it, and rub some of the juice on the affected skin. Leave it on for one hours before rinsing it off lightly.
The cold compress will help to reduce skin swelling. Use some ice cubes wrapped in a towel or cheesecloth on the cystic pimple on cheek.

Use Toothpaste

You can use toothpaste to help you eliminate the cystic pimple on cheek. Dab the toothpaste on the cystic pimple on cheek at night before going to bed. In the morning, you will realize that the cystic pimple on cheek will be smaller than usual. This is an unknown treatment, but it indeed does work for a cystic pimple on cheek.

Use Aspirin

If you want to make the cystic pimple on cheek disappear during the day, you can crush an aspirin pill and then mix it in with water to make a paste. You will then apply the aspirin paste on the cystic pimple on cheek and then let it dry. The next step is to rinse the aspirin paste off with warm water, reducing the swelling for a few hours.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Take a mix of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 8-10 oz water. Twice per day.

After washing face with a neutral pH soap, dab apple cider vinegar on affected areas and dry. Do this once each morning and evening. The anti-bacterial qualities of apple cider vinegar, which, as a cystic pimple on cheek treatment, have helped control the outbreaks.


The anti-bacterial properties of turmeric have also been known to help reduce the appearance of a cystic pimple on cheek. Try this cystic pimple on cheek treatment by mixing the following ingredients below and drink before bedtime.

1 tsp Turmeric

1/4 tsp Cinnamon

1 c Hot Water

1 tsp Honey (to taste)

2-3 tbsp milk (to taste)

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains an ingredient called terpinene that has antimicrobial properties. Applying a 5% solution to the cystic pimple on cheek has been a popular cystic pimple treatment and has helped many reduce inflamed and non-inflamed acne.

Baking soda

You can use baking soda in one of two ways to try and remedy the effects of cystic pimple on the cheek. One method is to mix water with a small amount of baking soda and then apply that mixture to the affected areas once or twice a week. The other method is to add a little sea salt to baking soda and then add a little water to this mixture to form a paste that can then be applied to the inflamed regions.


Mix some lemon juice and a little water to mango pulp and apply it to your skin. Let the mixture sit on your cystic pimple on the cheek for some time, and then rinse off your face. You can notice the results almost immediately.


Another cystic pimple on cheek home remedy treatment is egg white directly applied to the affected skin. Aloe Vera gel is applied to the skin to aid in speeding up the healing process. A little lemon juice mixed with water then rubbed onto the skin helps treat the skin’s inflammation.

Rosewater Solution

Rose water is a natural astringent and is fast becoming an excellent treatment for treating skin inflammation. By simply applying rose water as a cleanser, you will reduce your cystic pimple on cheek.

Groundnut Oil

This product will help freshen the skin and give it the glow it deserves after being healed of a cystic pimple on cheek. Just mix the groundnut oil with lime juice and dab it onto a cystic pimple on cheek every day. Gradually, you will start to see excellent results.

Oregano Oil

Although many people may not know about this particular one, it is undoubtedly beneficial for a cystic pimple on cheek. What you do is place the oregano oil on a cotton ball and dab enough of it to cover the entire cystic pimple on cheek.

The oregano oil brings all the fluids in the cystic pimple on cheek up to the surface so it can start draining from your skin and give you a clear, smoother skin surface.


Do you know applying tomato on your skin can help you reduce the inflamed cystic pimple on cheek?

Take one ripe tomato, take out its pulp, and apply on the affected area, leave it there for 30-60 minutes and wash thoroughly.

So you can cure cystic pimple on the cheek without any harmful antibiotics just by using some proven herbs and natural ingredients found in our daily life.