Cheek Pimples Treatment – 03 Easy Steps Pimples Removal Facial

Cheek Pimples Treatment


| Causes | Prevention | Pimples Removal Facial | Remedies |

Are you concerned about cheek pimples treatment? Cheek pimples treatment is not an impossible challenge if you choose the right cure. Cheeks pimples are not always the result of a dirty, oily face. Your cheeks pimples might not have anything to do with your hygiene at all. Pimples can often be caused by hormones, eating habits, scented lotions or skincare products, or even stress. If you do not know the cause of your cheek pimples, that can make it all the harder to get rid of. If this sounds like you, I highly recommend that you look into getting rid of your cheek pimples naturally. In this article, I will discuss the best cheek pimples treatment, causes, and prevention tips.

Cheek Pimples Causes

Before applying cheek pimples treatment, you must know their causes. It is a common question among everyone suffering from cheek pimples. What are the reasons for pimples on the cheeks? Although there are numerous causes for pimples, there are top 6 common causes found in everyone suffering from cheek pimples. They are listed below in the interest of the public to prevent pimples by knowing their reasons.

Clogged Pores

Pimples are often the result of pores becoming clogged with dirt. It is essential to remember that the skin is the largest organ in the body, and as such, it is also the one with the largest chance of becoming infected. Essentially, once the pores are clogged, infections can develop, leading to redness that is a frequent symptom of acne.

Oily Skin

The skin’s pores become clogged by excessive sebum being produced, which leads to the accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells, which are shed naturally by the skin every day. This whole situation is what causes pimples on the cheeks. The ugly appearance of pimples on the skin’s visible areas such as the face, neck, and chest is a constant source of worry to people who have them.

Hormone Change

It is the most common cause of having pimples on cheeks, especially among teenagers undergoing hormone changes and increasing in higher oil glands. Naturally, these oil glands try to outburst from the skin when the skin cannot hold the fatty and oily stuff any more within it.


Getting pimples itself a most unwanted and unimaginable thing for most girls and women. A recent study shows 60% of women face pimple problems during pregnancy who had never suffered from acne or oily skin problems. Most women seek home remedies for acne during pregnancy rather than doctor prescriptions, fearing their baby’s health.

Usage of Birth control pills

Most people said they got acne and pimples all over the body Whenever new birth control pills are used. Due to some sudden allergic condition, your body refuses to excrete the oily content as it did earlier due to the intake of new birth control pills.

Self Medication

Most people confirmed that those who treat themselves using self-medication had produced blemishes and pimples on the face and neck and the back of their body.

Change of cosmetics

A sudden change in cosmetics and soaps is one of the most common causes of creating acne and pimples in most women.


Although few people said they are facing acne because of their hereditary, it is very few compared to the other causes.

Cheek Pimples Treatment – Prevention Guide

Change LifeStyle

First of all, one thing that should be kept in mind that you need to pay close attention to is your lifestyle. This is the first step when considering starting a program to get rid of pimples. There are many factors like your eating habits, hygiene, polluted environment, and stress that can influence your skin. This can result in the break out of acne and pimples on your face and other body parts. You need to bring in specific changes in your routine, and you will see positive results in the end.

Take Enough Water

Water consumption is a very important part of clearing up your pimples. It is rated as the best way to get rid of pimples. Our body is full of certain toxins that need to be flushed out of our body. Water is one such element that can help us to get rid of these harmful toxins. A healthy diet with the inclusion of fruits and vegetables is another step that can help you to maintain clear skin. Junk food should be avoided as much as possible because it does contribute to the increase in pimples and acne.


With this, you need to maintain a routine of cleansing your face with a good face wash, especially before going to bed. It will help you to get rid of all the dirt and makeup which your face has been exposed to during the whole day. It is very important, as well. It is not recommended to squeeze your pimples as it will make your skin worse. Instead, you can seek a dermatologist’s help and apply the prescribed cream or lotion to eliminate those pimples.

Don’t Do Any Harm

You may not know it, but your constant rubbing or picking of your skin could do more harm than you could imagine.

Have you tried squeezing those annoying and stubborn blackheads or whiteheads? Expect to see them more often since your hands could bring more infection and could, therefore, encourage more pimple-causing bacteria to live in your skin.

Change your pillowcase more often

Your favorite purple pillowcase could be accumulating an unbelievable amount of pimple-causing bacteria than you could know.

Change your pillowcase more often to keep pimples at bay.

Keep It Clean

While exercise could be perfect for you, not showering immediately after sweating it all out is the key to have more pimples than when you were 16.

While it is simply one of the things that you have learned from Hygiene 101, immediately showering after you have released all the toxins from exercising a must DO to keep your face pimple-free and keep things smelling sweet.

Oil-free makeup

this kind of makeup has a lesser tendency causing the buildup of the pore that results in the blemishes. However, you also have to remove the makeup before going to sleep, as it will only trigger the pimple and acne.


The second cheek pimples treatment that I want to share with you is your daily diet. Be sure to maintain a healthy diet because this is one of your pimples’ possible causes. You should take fruits daily, and you should avoid sugary foods. Sugar and milk are proven causes of pimples. That’s why maintaining a healthy diet is one great cure for pimples.


Exercise helps in preventing cheeks pimples as it eliminates stress. Stress is one factor in having cheeks pimples. Be sure to relax and avoid stress factors at all costs.

Healthy living

Your face is significantly related to how you treat your health. Having pimples is one way to tell you that there is something wrong inside your body. An internal condition causes it. That is why using over the counter methods such as remedies and topical products don’t help you permanently.

Be sure to quit smoking because smoking makes your capillaries and blood vessels constricted, preventing blood from circulating well to your skin. Blood brings vital nutrients needed to have clear skin, and that’s why smoking is another significant cause of having pimples.

Cheek Pimples Treatment – 03 Steps Pimples Removal Facial

1. Gently clean your face. Use a good skin cleanser that will wash away the oils on your face, and aft by washing that, rinse your face with normal water.

2. Now, the second step, exfoliate your face – that is, remove the dead skin cells that the body has produced, so they can not clog up the skin pores. You can make one up yourself: add a little amount of salt into a small clean bowl, add a few drops of water and mix till it turns into a paste; add a short amount of toothpaste to this mixture to give it a little extra kick. You can also add some amount of oatmeal.

Use this scrub to exfoliate cheeks skin- gently massaging it all over the facial skin, including the skin not affected by pimples. Follow this procedure gently – there is no need to rub roughly. Then after five to 7 minutes, rinse your face with normal water. Pat your skin dry.

3. Next step, use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, dab this onto the affected area, and help dry out the skin further.

Repeat the above two times every day, morning and evening, and within just a few days, you will see a marked improvement in your skin condition.

Cheek Pimples Treatment – Home Remedies

The use of natural ingredients home remedies is one of the best cheek pimples treatment. I highly recommend you to follow this method for cheek pimples treatment.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is an energetic cheek pimples treatment. The enzyme-rich gel has extremely judicious anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Currently, Aloe Vera is considered to be satisfying against pimples on cheeks.

Pomegranate Juice

This Pomegranate juice is another cheek pimples treatment. Drinking one glass of pomegranate juice would be enormously useful during chronic pimples. It will dispose of your acne fast by eliminating the toxins in your body.

Tea Tree Oil

It is derived from the “Melaleuca-Italternifoliais” tree of Australia. It is precious against chronic pimples as it includes bacteria-fighting substances known as Terpenes. Bacteria typically cause pimples, and the Terpenes either completely blow them up or dry out them as much as necessary to be ruined by cynical antibodies. There is a tiny number of side effects of tea tree oil.


Before taking a bath, apply a tomato thickset tissue merger – right tomato crush, not absorbed 1 – honey tablespoon and rose-water on your pimple area, leave it for 10 minutes and clean off. Your pimples will be eliminated.

Glycerine & Lemon Juice

It is a very effective cheek pimples treatment. At night, before going to bed, apply ointment Glycerine and lemon juice to your face pimples, leave it for 10 minutes, and rinse off. All kinds of chronic pimples will be entirely reduced on the very next day, and you will feel brilliant!

Ice Pack

This cheek pimples treatment could be a good thing to decrease the swelling and even the redness. Apart from those, it could also help in shrinking the inflammation and pain that at times gets along with the condition.


If you need quick cheek pimples treatment, you could try to apply toothpaste into the affected area before getting into bed. This pimple and acne treatment could assist in soothing your irritation and reduce redness.

Fenugreek Paste Treatment

It is another easy and effective cheek pimples treatment. Make a paste out of fenugreek leaves and apply it on your face before going to bed. Make sure that you wash your face with a scrub before applying the paste. And then return to bed. Allow the paste to dry. By the next morning, most of your pimples have vanished.

Orange Peel

The application of orange peel remedy is also very effective cheek pimples treatment. Orange peel is abundant in vitamin C and even helps eliminate pimples overnight. Grind the orange peels with water and apply the paste on the affected areas. Allow it to dry, and go to bed. By the next day, you will see significant results.

Applying Lemon

This cheek pimples treatment works for those who have excessively oily skin. Cut the lemon into two and apply the juice to your affected areas. Make sure that the juice doesn’t enter your eye. If it does, wash your face immediately. You will get a sudden improvement in your skin. The pimples will vanish in a few hours, but the oiliness will go away within ten minutes or so. Allow your skin to dry.