| Causes | Prevention Guide | Home Remedies Treatment |
Are you concerned about butt cheek acne? Acne may occur on any body part, including the butt cheek. Butt cheek acne is the most disturbing one and very difficult to treat. Acne on the face, thigh, and even in the belly area will not give much discomfort to your sitting posture or sleeping posture. Acne in the butt cheek area affects all your actions and activities.
Anyone out there who’s suffered through the low pain and humiliation of butt cheek acne knows precisely how painful it can be. After all, face or body acne is almost expected, especially in teenagers. Also, back and chest acne is relatively common. But butt acne? That’s something else entirely.
In this article, you will learn butt cheek acne causes, prevention, and home treatment.
Butt Cheek Acne Causes
Tight-fitting Clothing
Tight-fitting clothing is one of the primary reasons for butt cheek acne. This type of clothing prevents the skin from breathing, which results in pore-clogging and ultimately leads to butt cheek acne. It is necessary to clean the bedsheets often and keep the bed clean as it may also result in butt cheek acne. If bodily oils and dirt are present in bed and if your mattress is untidy, it may cause rashes on your butt cheek and lead to butt cheek acne.
The detergents may be the cause of your butt cheek acne. Some detergents that we use for washing clothes and the soaps for bathing may also cause butt cheek acne. It is observed that an abrasive soap can cause such butt acne. It’s recommended to be careful while choosing soap.
Usage of drugs may also result in butt cheek acne. Butt cheek acne can be a side effect of some drugs. If you find any butt cheek acne symptoms after using a particular drug, it is important to discuss with a doctor and get some advice to solve the butt acne problem. Drugs like cocaine are also known reasons for butt acne. So it’s better to be careful.
Unhygienic Routine
Another prevalent reason for butt cheek acne is the unhygienic routine. To treat this, you should very careful about your butt cheeks cleaning. You can use the soft bristle brush to keep the butt area clean.
Oily Skin
This acne is also caused by too much oil production or some abnormal behaviour of the sebum-producing glands. However, it is usually extra painful and mostly results in blisters. This is because they create frequent frictions. Again, a higher chance of getting infected. Usually, the unhygienic conditions aggravate it. Sometimes, certain soaps can result in an allergy that, in turn, results in a burst of acne.
You can get butt cheek acne when your hormone stages are imbalanced. When they are unstable, your natural oils grow, and they eventually start to clog your pores. Once your skin pores are clogged, acne begins to create. If you have hormones problem, you want to know how to keep your buttocks clear.
Butt Cheek Acne Prevention Tips
Here is a step by step instruction guide to get rid of your butt cheek acne fast.
1] Consult a skin doctor to know the type of butt cheek acne you have. Butt acne size may be small or big. A skin specialist is the right person who can give you antifungal lotions, pills, and other medicines to cure your acne. You need to follow the particular guideline, apart from visiting a skin specialist.
2] Avoid soaps, detergents, and cosmetics that are allergic to your butt cheek skin. Use soaps that are suggested by your skin specialist. Preferably use an organic ingredients soap that is free from harsh chemicals.
3] Tight-fitting clothes, underwear can increase butt cheek acne. Also, avoid wearing nylon, synthetic, and polyester material clothes. Wear loose-fitting cotton material clothes for more comfort. Avoid wearing tight pants while you are at home.
4] Do not let the body to sweat more, especially in the buttocks area. Sweating will multiply the butt acne.
5] Apply benzoyl peroxide to cure the butt cheek acne. Before applying this, clean the buttocks with odourless soaps. Remember! Do not use soap that is made of harsh chemicals.
6] Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to cool your inner body because excess heat is also one reason for butt cheek acne. You can also take more fresh coconut to cool down your inner body fast.
7] Do not eat food that contains too much of oily substances. Oily foods cause internal heat in the body and aggravate butt cheek acne.
8] Take more water and juices to flush out the toxins from your body. Water consumption should not less than 08 to 10 glasses a day because water removes all the wastages and bacterial infections from the skin.
9] Use only sterilized cloth to clean the butt cheek acne. Do not rub butt skin harshly with rough or dirty clothes. Hidden bacteria in the clothes will increase the inflammation.
10] Butt cheek acne pain will disturb sleep at night time. You can reduce the acne pain by giving an ice cube massage in the butt. This will reduce inflammation and pain.
11] Use cotton underwear. Any other underwear fabric like silk, polyester, and acrylics can irritate the skin, but most fabrics also don’t breathe well. Your skin always needs fresh air, and it needs to stay dry. Cotton material helps your skin breathe, and it will absorb some excess moisture also. If your body sweats a lot, then you can apply baby powder or cornstarch in the underwear to absorb moisture and keep your buttock skin dry.
12] Wash your rear end with a non-drying cleanser. You can even use an acne facial wash. Something with salicylic acid will be beneficial. Like with your face, don’t over wash as this can cause irritation and dry out your skin, making the problem worse.
Home Remedies For Butt Cheek Acne Treatment
Orange Peel
Blend some orange peel and add a little amount of water. You can also mix petroleum jelly instead of water. After which, apply it on your butt cheek acne and let it be there for 30 minutes. Ensure you gently use it on your buttock’s skin, and acne on butt cheeks would not get irritated that would cause more problems. Rinse it with lukewarm with little salt mix water.
Lavender Oil
You can mix some lavender oil in green tea. This mixture is not just right for your butt cheek acne, for any part of the body affected by acne.
Tea Tree Oil
Another homemade natural treatment for butt cheek acne is the combination of tea tree oil and Sodium Hydroxide (Lye) soap. This treatment’s constant use will keep your skin soft and help act as an antiseptic and antifungal agent.
Exfoliate With Sugar
Exfoliate with sugar once a week—no need to spend money on getting expensive body scrubs. You can use sugar to remove all dead skin cells from your butt skin. Do it on the butt cheek acne-affected as often as you like.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The best natural butt cheek acne remedy, in my opinion, is apple cider vinegar. This vinegar can be applied onto your butt cheek acne and see miracles by drying up your butt acne to an extent which makes it eventually go away.
One other effective butt cheek acne cure is a mixture of turmeric powder and floured rice. Mix both ingredients and then add a few drops of water to them and apply the paste that forms to your butt cheek acne infections. Let the paste on for at least forty-five minutes, wash your butt cheek skin using cool fresh water and then dab your skin using a towel. This natural butt cheek acne remedy has been known to eliminate acne within twelve days if done correctly.
Butt cheek acne home remedies are never complete without garlic. Massaging the butt cheek acne-affected zone with raw garlic helps to clear the acne or boils.
Regular intake of three fresh garlic cloves for about a month purifies the blood and keeps butt cheek acne away. Now that is what is curing butt cheek acne of the root cause. It is all about not just masking the problem forever!
Coriander and Mint Juice:
A teaspoon of coriander or mint juice can be added to a pinch of turmeric powder and applied to the butt cheek acne area before going to bed as effective home butt cheek acne remedies.
Another addition to butt cheek acne home remedies is fenugreek. The fenugreek leaves can be made into a paste and then applied on the butt cheek acne half an hour before going to bed. It should be washed with lukewarm water in the morning to prevent butt acne.
Grated cucumber is another one of the butt cheek acne home remedies, which is very useful in preventing acne and boosting your skin’s health. It can be applied over the butt cheek acne and kept for minutes before washing it off.
Egg Yolk:
Egg yolk is one of the most useful butt cheek acne remedies. This removes excess oil from your butt skin and helps it from removing dirt from the surrounding skin. Egg yolk can be directly applied with cotton balls on the affected areas and left for fifteen minutes to work before washing it off with cold water.
Baking Soda:
Mix baking soda with water and make a fine paste. This should be done before bedtime, applying it to surfaces affected with butt cheek acne. Let the paste stand all night to work and rinse with water upon waking up. You will achieve the best results just after one week of continuous usage.
Olive Oil:
Mix some olive oil with salt and just like baking soda with water to make a fine paste. Use the treatment daily for the first week, and then you could lower it down to two to three times a week afterwards.
Aspirin Paste:
Make a paste from a couple of non-coated aspirins that you have to soften with just a few drops of water. Apply the aspirin paste to butt acne and let it work for 20 minutes, then rinse with fresh water. The acids in the aspirin will reduce the inflammation and size of butt acne.
Oatmeal is something common everyone has got at home. Have a quick look through your pantry, and you’re almost guaranteed to find some. Oatmeal is not only an excellent breakfast choice; it is also a superb butt acne remedy. Natural oatmeal is the best kind, but ordinary oatmeal will also work. Oatmeal is surprisingly good for people with dehydrated skin. There are many other ways to use oatmeal as one of your natural butt cheek acne remedies.
The humble tomato – invariably present in all our homes, is, in fact, a powerful and highly potent anti-butt acne agent. This is mostly due to the acidic substances of tomatoes, which works very well against acne.
This fact has been proven many times whereby a tomato, when sliced into two halves and then applied on butt acne-prone skin, prevents oil accumulation, which in turn proves to be a powerful means of preventing butt cheek acne.
Honey is another natural ingredient present in most modern-day homes, which helps prevent butt acne.
The significant advantage with honey is its natural stickiness whereby once it is applied to the skin, it lifts dirt or grime stuck on those acne-prone areas. Over a long period, regular use of honey ensures that there is no dirt accumulation in the first place.
Moreover, honey is very well-known for its potent anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, honey’s regular application to troublesome skin ensures that it remains bacteria-free, whereby butt acne prevention becomes a lot easier.
A final point of note about the honey application is that the process is neither cumbersome nor time-consuming. A total of 15 minutes for which honey is applied to acne-prone areas is usually more than enough. After that, the area can be washed off with plain water for a smooth and blemish-free look and feel.
Mint is yet another butt acne home remedy that works very well when it comes to treating butt cheek acne and preventing it from occurring in the first place.
With mint, the best advantage is its ability to work as a completely natural analgesic. Additionally, it also possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties, which again work very well when it comes to preventing butt acne from occurring in the first place.
Mint can easily be applied by crushing its leaves and then using the ensuing paste to acne-prone areas. Within no time, you will see the difference with butt acne now relegated to nothing more than a mere relic of the past!
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