Brown Spots On Skin – Causes, Prevention And How To Remove

Brown Spots On Skin

Overview | Causes | Prevention|How To Remove





The appearance of brown spots on skin can damage our looks. There are lot of factors that can turn your color complexion look uneven. Brown spots or dark spots on skin are one of very common of them. It can easily take away your charm.

Most people are self conscious when it comes to spots on their skin. Your ultimate goal, if this fits you, would be to regain your natural clear skin. And it is possible to remove brown spots, in case you did not think so.

The misconception that these spots are just something that the older generation has to deal with just is not so. Many young people as a result of too much sun exposure are beginning to develop spots and are seeking out methods to remove them so they can regain natural clear skin.

Use of Market Products for Brown Spots


We mostly use chemical made store and market products for brown spots on skin removal. These brown spots removal products and creams are made of chemical ingredients. These brown spots on skin removal products may harm your skin because of chemical ingredients.

Causes of Brown Spots


Brown spots are mostly caused due to the excess production of Melanin in our bodies. skin color is determined by the pigment melanin, which is in the basal layer of your epidermis. Things like acne, prolong exposure to sunlight, hormonal changes, improper diet can lead to excessive production of melanin which creates brown spots on skin.

Your skin can turn patchy and look blemished. Brown spots on the skin kill the beauty of your glowing skin. The use of low-quality chemical made skincare and makeup products factors too.

Most people take up wrong techniques such as laser therapies and medicinal help for diminishing the visibility of these spots which can be extremely dangerous for your whole body in the long run. It is always suggested to apply nature-based methods and products for flaunting flawless skin.




When you have learned what causes brown spots it will be much easier to avoid getting them and reduce the ones you have. Brown spots do not have as much to do with age as you’d think.

Excessive sunbathing is what causes brown spots to appear most of the time. When you’re out in the sun for a long time the melanin in your skin increases and brown spots start forming.

Genetics may also be what causes brown spots for some, as you get older you may recognize that you’re getting about the same amount of age spots as your mother did.

Some skin care products can promote the appearance of brown spots, especially products with lots of chemicals and harsh ingredients. In order to prevent more brown spots from appearing, you’ll need to avoid those skincare products.

To prevent brown spots keep your skin properly moisturized, drink plenty of water and use a natural moisturizer. Use completely natural sunscreen while you’re out in the sun.

Home Remedies For Brown Spot Removal


The question can brown spots be removed permanently has been asked over and over again. It is difficult to say if this is totally possible as it depends on the condition of your skin and if you are able to find a product that will remove them without doing further damage to your skin.

Lemon For Brown Spots Removal



Lemon For Brown Spots

Lemon works as a bleaching agent and also has natural skin lightening properties for these brown spots. Lemon juice can target those darker areas in the body. Apply it two times a day on the affected areas. Just make sure you are not going to be exposed to the sun when you try this regimen as lemon juice can burn when UV rays strike it.

Cucumber For Brown Spots Removal



Cucumber For Brown Spots

Use cucumber as a facial mask if you have brown spots on the face. You might want to refrigerate it for a few hours before mashing it for a very refreshing treat.

Papaya For Brown Spots Removal



Papaya For Brown Spots

For papaya, make sure you pick a ripe one so you can easily make it into a paste. Apply it to the affected area and wash it off after 30 minutes.

Aloe Vera For Brown Spots on Skin Removal



Aloe Vera For Brown Spots

A popular plant called Aloe Vera has healing properties and is also used to heal skin sores. Use the juice or the gel several times a day on the spots to help them fade.

Potato For Brown Spots on Skin Removal



Potato For brown Spots

Take a normal size potato. Wash it with water. Cut into thin slices. Soak slices in cold water and place on Brown spots areas. Let these slices on brown spots for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash your face with normal water. Repeat daily for the required results.