Breakouts on Cheeks – 03 Easy Steps Facial Cleaning Treatment

Breakouts on Cheeks

| Causes | Prevention | Facial Cleaning | Symptoms | Home Remedies |


Are you concerned about breakouts on cheeks? Acne breakouts on cheeks is a troublesome condition because it can affect your self-esteem. Teens and adults are affected by breakouts on cheeks problems, and if you are one of these people, you are looking for ways to get rid of acne breakouts on cheeks.
Acne breakouts occur typically during puberty, where hormones are unbalanced and cause pimples, blemishes, and often scarring if untreated skin is infected.

What Causes Breakouts On Cheeks?

Here is a comprehensive list of all the various risk factors responsible for causing breakouts on cheeks-

Lack of adequate sleep.
Constipation, indigestion, or stomach disorders.
Stress due to mental tension or mental exhaustion.
Eating a lot of chocolates, sweets, and candies.
Consuming greasy, spicy, and deep-fried items in the diet.
Exposing your skin to environmental pollutants, dust, dirt, and smoke.
Heavy and rough scrubbing while cleaning your face.
Excessive dryness caused due to the use of alcohol-based astringents.
Hormonal changes in the body during puberty, menstruation.
Allergy to certain cosmetics and beauty products.
Dandruff in the hair.

How to Prevent Breakouts on Cheeks?

Facial Hygiene

It is essential to keep your face clean to avoid dirt buildup that can infect or cause breakouts on cheeks. Keep the hairs away from your face because the dirt from your hair can increase your condition. Use hypoallergenic facial wash to keep your face clean and get rid of breakouts on cheeks.

Treat Your Oily Skin

One of the causes of breakouts on cheeks is oily skin. It is important to find a treatment to get rid of your oily skin. Ask your doctor about the best medication, creams, or cleansers that will get rid of oily skin. Getting rid of oily skin will help you get rid of breakouts on cheeks.

Manage Your Stress

Stress problems can affect your body in different ways. It can cause health and skin problems like breakouts on cheeks. Get enough sleep and rest to get rid of cheek acne breakouts. Yoga exercises are useful relaxation techniques that you can do.

Well Balanced Diet

Nutrients deficiency can cause skin problems like breakouts on cheeks. To get rid of breakouts on cheeks, you have to get the nutrients needed for healthy skin. Eat a balanced diet, and avoid unhealthy foods like junk foods. Drink plenty of water daily for healthy and fresh skin.

Reduce Face Touching

It sounds incredibly stupid and effortless, But many don’t realize that we touch our faces a lot. We connect our ears, rub our eyes, lean our chin/cheeks against our hands, etc. It is probably one of the hardest things not to do!
The problem with touching your face is that your hands’ surface contains plenty of bacteria from day to day things you have come into contact with. You collect bacteria whenever you open the door, shake hands, touch your computer, handle money, pay for food, etc.

Consequently, your hands are the highest source of dirt, oil, bacteria, and even viruses. Once these things come into contact with your face, they start clogging up your pores and irritate your skin, which can result in breakouts on cheeks.

Review Your Make-Up

The thing about makeup is that it doesn’t cause breakouts on cheeks, but it doesn’t help prevent them. To reduce the possibility of breakouts on cheeks, try going for oil-free and organic makeups free from additives that could irritate sensitive skin.


I know you’re probably wondering how on earth could exercise help with your skin’s health and appearance. The great thing about exercise is that it reduces your body’s stress levels. Stress increases your skin’s natural oils, which in greater amounts, leads to the clogging of pores and mass breakouts on cheeks.

By doing exercise, you’re reducing stress in your body, which indirectly affects your facial appearance. Furthermore, sweating from exercise helps to clear out your pores so that your dead skin cells will be ‘flushed’ to the top, allowing less clogging to occur.

Avoid Body Sweat

One very important thing to remember, though, please shower after you have exercised. As sweat clears the pores of dead skin cells and leaves them at the top, the accumulation of these skin cells (if left for long enough) can lead to blockages, which will eventually block (again) your recently cleared pores. When sweat evaporates, it leaves behind salt on your skin, which encourages pore blockages.

Facial Cleaning Method

The facial cleansing method, which helps reduce breakouts on cheeks.

 Make sure to wash your face using a mild cleanser daily, preferably three times, once before bed, after waking up, and during evening bath time. Remember to wipe dry using a facial towel, which is clean.

In addition to that, a facial mask is recommended to exfoliate dead skin and revitalize skin cells with their nutrient pack properties. To apply the mask, firstly, Make sure your face is thoroughly cleansed before mask application. Begin by tying your long hair if you have one.

1-  Use a cotton pad to swipe the product and gently smear it onto your face. Evenly distribute the liquid all over your face using your fingertip. Massage for no more than 5 min and let it settle for 10 min.

2- After 10 minutes, rinse off the mask as you gently exfoliate. Pat your face dry. You will feel the difference at an instance. The skin should look bright, feel soft, and firm. Apply toner for max skin benefit. It is recommended to use at night time because it does not smell so great.

3- Use a cotton pad to apply toner and apply it to your forehead, cheek, T-zone, and chin evenly. After that, finish it off by gently using your bare hands to apply moisturizer all over your face evenly.

With the frequent application of the above mentioned, your skin will have remarkable improvement by looking brighter, and scars will be much lighter.

6 Common Breakouts on Cheeks Symptoms And How To Handle It

1. Big Pimples

This type of breakouts on cheeks usually appears in the random area of your face. Sometimes, it appears on your cheek. Sometimes, it appears on your chin or forehead. It can also appear on your nose. The big pimples’ appearance will be scary and surprising for many people. It is big, red, painful, and ugly to look at.

How to handle it: This acne breakout on cheeks can usually be controlled by letting the natural healing process in your skin take place. Do not touch your breakouts on cheeks with your hand. Let it become more significant, and it will produce whitehead or puss, and when it happens, you will know for sure that it will become smaller naturally. Please note that you need to change your diet into a healthy diet to boost the healing process.

2. Small Zits

Small zits are common for many teenagers. The breakouts on cheeks appearance are small and not so disturbing. This type of breakouts on cheeks is one of the most harmless types of acne you can have. Usually, you will have it during your teenage years. But, be aware that if you have sensitive skin and are in constant stress, small zits can become the dreaded acne breakouts.

How to handle it: Apply natural homemade remedies such as aloe vera juice to your acne symptom regularly and let it heal itself. Also, you can use honey as your natural homemade remedy to boost the healing process.

3. Irritation and Inflammation

You will not see any pimples at this stage yet. But, you will see that your skin is becoming red and irritated, especially under the sunlight. You will feel an itchy sensation around your skin, and if you keep experiencing this, you may get a kind of acne breakouts later.

How to handle it: At this stage, what you can do is simple. Just sleep a lot more. You need more rest because, in this way, your body can re-adjust your skin condition and neutralize the oddities.

4. Dark Bumps

This type of breakouts on cheeks is dark in color, and you will see it a lot in various areas on your face. The leading cause of this type of acne is stress. Do you feel stressed, I mean, really stressful with your life? Chances are you will get this type of breakouts on cheeks instead of the red one. It will not feel painful, but dark bumps can make your face look ugly.

How to handle it: Try to relax your body more because your body needs this relaxation most. Your skin needs more rest, more happiness on your mind. Try not to be stressed and be happy with your life. Always smile and laugh often, and this type of breakouts on cheeks will usually go away by itself.

5. Whiteheads and Blackheads

It might not cause any inflammation on your skin, but you will feel that there are some “little stones” that are stuck between your pores. That’s what is called whiteheads and blackheads. If you feel any painful sensation when you touch it, then chances are you’re going to have a big pimple on that area. So, be aware.

How to handle it: You can carefully cure your whiteheads and blackheads with your hands popping. But, be careful not to cause a further reaction on your skin, as it can potentially cause big pimples to emerge. The ideal time to do it is after taking a bath when your skin is still soft and smooth. And don’t forget to clean your hands before you do that.

6. Severe and Persistent Breakouts on Cheeks

This last type of breakouts on cheeks symptom is the most dangerous one. It is the combination of all the symptoms above and the long-term suffering you will experience. Once you’ve eliminated this acne, it will leave nasty scars and bumps on your skin.

Of course, it is always curable, only that it will need more time to cure. If you don’t take any necessary action to fix this type of acne, you will possibly suffer from this dreadful skin condition your whole life.

How to handle it: The only trusted and effective cure for these breakouts on cheeks once and for all is to use the holistic acne treatment system. You can find the detail below.

Natural Remedies For Breakouts on Cheeks

There are natural remedies you can do at your home’s comfort to get rid of breakouts on cheeks. Natural remedies have been around for ages because they are inexpensive and effective in curing many health and skin problems.

Orange Peel

An orange peel is one of the most widely used home acne remedies. You can pound orange peel and apply it to the breakouts on cheeks to get relief from them.


Home acne remedies are never complete without garlic. Massaging the acne-affected zone with raw garlic helps clear the spot from spots, pimples, or boils.

Regular intake of three seeds of garlic for about a month purifies the blood and keeps acne away. That is what curing acne of the root cause is all about, not just masking the problem forever!

Coriander and Mint Juice

A teaspoon of coriander or mint juice can be added to a pinch of turmeric powder and applied on the acne area before going to bed as effective home acne remedies.


Another addition to home acne remedies is fenugreek. The leaves can be made into a paste and then applied to the acne thirty minutes before going to bed. It should be washed with warm water in the morning to prevent acne.


Grated cucumber is another home acne remedy, which helps prevent acne and boost your skin’s health. It can be applied over the person’s breakouts on cheeks for minutes before washing it off.

Egg Yolk

Egg yolk is of the most useful remedies. This method removes excess oil from your face and helps it from attracting dust from the surroundings. Egg yolk can be applied with cotton balls on the breakouts on cheeks and left for fifteen minutes before washing it off with cold water.

Apricot Juice

A cystic acne remedy is fresh Juice of apricots, which is applied to the affected area for relief and cure.

Tea Tree Oil

One very effective external herbal cheeks breakout remedy is tea tree oil. Apply tea tree oil directly on cheeks breaking out acne.

Hot and Cold Compresses

Very famous breakouts on cheeks natural remedy is the use of hot and cold wet towel compresses. You may use this method several times to reduce cheeks breakouts.