| Types | Causes | Prevention | Home Remedies |
Are you concerned about acne on cheeks and jaw? Acne on cheeks and jaw not only affects teenagers but also affects adults as well. While some teens with acne on cheeks and jaw may notice acne on cheeks and jaw disappear as they enter adulthood, for other teens, it may continue unabated into adulthood. In contrast, for others who may never have had acne in their teens, they may suddenly develop adult acne.
Types Of Acne On Cheeks And Jaw
1. Whiteheads
These are the beginning of a pimple, but remain under the skin are not always visible. Picking and scratching at these small spots, however, can cause further irritation.
2. Blackheads
Blackheads result when oil becomes trapped in a pore, causing the pore to become plugged.
3. Papules
These small, pink bumps are a mild type of acne on cheeks and jaw. While they are not normally painful, popping or picking, it can further inflame the area and spread bacteria to other areas of your face.
4. Pustules
These red and inflamed bumps are obvious on the skin, and typically have pus at the top of the bump. They can also be quite painful.
5. Nobules
These large, solid pimples are inflamed and very painful and are embedded deep within the skin. This one is another more severe type of acne.
6. Cysts
Cysts are one of the most painful type of acne breakouts, and t typically leads to skin-damaging, pockmarks, and acne scarring.
Causes of acne on cheeks and jaw
Makeup and skincare products
Skincare products can irritate or make acne. These include any of the products that clog oil ducts. Be aware these products can still make your acne breakout.
Too much sun
Evidence shows that too much exposure to the sun directly is also one of many acne causes. This can even create acne breakouts a few months after exposure.
Humidity in the atmosphere can cause moisture in follicle cells to swell up. On the other side, dry air can create thick sebum inside follicle cells. Both extremes can ultimately cause acne on cheeks.
Picking and squeezing pimples
Touching your face acne and pimples or using your fingers to pick or squeeze pimples is one of the simpler acne causes that are more from habit. Picking pimple or acne pushes bacteria deeper into the skin cells or spread the bacteria already beneath the surface of the skin.
Bacteria that live on the skin are a contributor to acne breakouts. The bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes are responsible for creating acne. These acne bacteria create elements that dissolve the oil in the skin and irritate the skin, causing inflammation.
Sebum production
Generally, there is a big relationship between the amount of sebum produced and the severity of acne breakouts. The biggest sebaceous glands are located on the face, neck, chest, upper back, and upper arms in the human body.
Follicle growth
Sometimes follicle walls will start to grow abnormally and can cause acne. The increased growth of cells can also interfere with the follicles and form a plug. This plug gets bigger until it breaks and spreads bacteria on the surface of the cheeks and jaw skin.
Many acne on cheeks and jaw causes come from hormonal change or imbalance. There are hormonal ups and downs during stress, menstruation, pregnancy, stopping/starting birth control pills, menopause, and hormonal disorders.
Although stress doesn’t directly cause acne on cheeks and jaw, it will aggravate it. This is because stress factor leads to an increase in androgen levels, which affect sebaceous glands.
If your parents had acne on cheeks and jaw, or one of them, there’s a chance you will inherit their complexion. It is now believed that acne on cheeks and jaw can run in the family, but the specific genetic factor has not been discovered.
Acne on Cheeks and Jaw Prevention
Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of acne on cheeks and jaw and restore your self-confidence. Here are some tips:
Facial hygiene
It is important to keep your face clean to avoid build-up of dirt that can infect or cause acne on cheeks and jaw in your face. Keep your hair away from your face skin because the dirt from your hair can aggravate your acne condition. Use natural facial wash to keep your face clean and get rid of acne on cheeks and jaw.
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