Overview | Causes | Prevention | 10 Best Back Acne Treatments
Overview of Back Acne
Acne on back is a common skin condition faced by thousands of people. Acne on back can be so troublesome and proper healthy steps have to be taken in order to get rid of it. Acne on back can be hard to cure because of the simple reason that your back is covered by clothes.
Things like daily sweating and keeping your back clean to prevent breakouts is a challenge. On the other hand, it can be embarrassing having your back exposed.
So, how are you supposed to get rid of Acne on back?
There are many kinds of acne on back and there is severe cystic acne that can reach deeper into your skin.
The main difference between face acne and acne on back is that when they come up in the face, the cure becomes very problematic, and acne on back is also prevalent. This makes it very frustrating.
Causes of Acne on Back
On your back there are sebaceous glands. It aids in the production of oils. The oil clogs pores and causes breakouts. There are many people who think that back acne is caused when the skin is overexposed to the Sun, they believe that because of this our skin becomes dry from the exposure and ends up make sebum to counter this.
This sebum chokes the follicles, thus leading to the acne. Some people believe that acne appears from low levels of vitamins and nutrients in the body. That is true.
Acne on Back Prevention
It’s vital you learn how to prevent acne on back in order not to cause a recurring in the future. Prevention simply involves adhering to simple rules like-
avoid junk foods from Fast Food Restaurants and eat on natural foods. Don’t be overly exposed to halogens and excessive use of steroids.
Reduce the intake of fats and cholesterol and eat more vegetables and fruits.
These all contain natural sugar required by the body to function properly and boost the immune system.
10 Best Treatments for Acne on Back
There are several acne on back treatment products available in the market but natural treatments work better. It’s estimated that more than 75% of people who have acne on their faces also have it on their bodies and back to be specific.
Once you’re able to understand the major causes of acne on back and decide to protect yourself, every natural treatment I’m going to share with you here will work.
1- Keep Your Back Clean
Sounds simple enough, but it’s more complicated than you think. Using ordinary soaps will dry out your skin causing the sebacious glands in your back to generate more oil. More oil generates more acne on back, so stick to gentle cleansers, specifically ones designed to fight acne.
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