Overview | Prevalence | Causes | Symptoms | Prevention | | Stages |
| Natural Holistic Therapy | Home Remedies |
Acne inversa is basically a skin disease that is caused in the inverse areas of the body. Acne inversa occur in armpits and similar parts that have skin to skin contact with each other and where apocrine glands and hair follicles are found. Acne inversa is a series from single boil-like, pus-filled abscesses, or hard sebaceous lumps, to painful, deep-seated. It often inflamed clusters of lesions with chronic seepage involving significant scarring.
Acne Inversa also is known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Acne Inversa is a chronic skin disease characterized by abscesses, lesions, and scarring. It is caused by a defect of the follicular epithelium and is known to have a genetic component. There are also other physiological and lifestyle factors that can trigger an outbreak of Acne Inversa, including excessive production of androgen hormones, being overweight, and smoking. The condition rarely goes away on its own and early treatment is recommended.
The prevalence of Acne Inverse is estimated between 1 to 4% of the world’s population. It is more frequent in females than in males and very rarely occurs before puberty or after menopause.
What Causes Acne inversa?
The exact reason for Acne Inversa is still debated however, a number of possible factors have been identified. For example, smoking is such a factor and the condition is more prevalent among smokers. Similarly, being overweight increases the risk of developing the condition because there will be more frictional forces on the skin. Other lifestyle factors that create Acne Inversa include excessive sweating, stress, and wearing tight clothing. In addition. The use of some antiperspirants and shaving may be involved in the worsening of the condition.
There are also genetic and physiological factors that can create Acne Inversa. Excessive androgen hormones have been identified as causal factors, although many patients of Acne Inversa seem to have normal androgen levels. Acne Inversa tends to run in families, indicating that a genetic factor is also involved.
Bacterial infections are prevalent in Acne inversa. These are not cause, but appear to be a result of the disease.
Symptoms of Acne inversa
The disease often starts as large blackheads and nodules. They may then join together and form abscesses and sinus tracts. Pus and foul-smelling secretions may drain from the abscesses and inflammatory lesions may form. These can lead to scarring.
Acne Inversa mostly leads to reduced mobility and recurrent infections of the affected area. Enemia is common in acne inversa patients owing to chronic inflammation.
Stages of Acne inversa
Acne Inversa is described to occur in three stages.
Stage 1 is described by the presence of single or multiple abscesses without scarring that may be misdiagnosed as acne.
Stage 2 is characterized by recurrent abscesses, lesions and sinus tract formation. At this stage inflammation will limit the person’s range of movement.
Stage 3 is characterized by severe inflammation leading to swellings up to the size of baseballs. skin Scarring is prevalent as are frequent infections.
Ths is a very popular saying, “prevention is better than a cure”. So it’s better you should take proper steps and avoid this painful skin infection than suffer from it. Here are few points, which when taken care of will avoid acne inversa.
Take shower on daily basis and wash the acne inversa infected areas thoroughly where there is skin to skin contact and apply antiseptic cream. Especially the skin areas where there are sweat and oil glands.
Avoid wearing tight clothes.
If your body sweats a lot, take proper measures to avoid excess sweat.
If you lose your weight as it is one of the reasons for the cause of acne inversa.
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